Comments on: J.P. Morgan Self-Directed Investing Promotions: $50, $150, $325, $700 Bonuses Best Bank Bonuses and Promotions Sun, 24 Nov 2024 16:37:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Smith Mon, 19 Dec 2022 18:51:34 +0000 I tried to sign up for this offer, filled everything in and they stated they’d review my application

The next day they asked me for proof of identity, such as Social Security Card, Copy of Driver’s License and Copy of Utility Bill

I’ve never been asked for this when trying to open an account

So I am not going to proceed with it. Imagine them losing that type of information

By: WJ Sat, 12 Nov 2022 03:33:57 +0000 In reply to Roger Stewart Sr.

Changed policy. Favorably. In 2022 it seems online/phone applications are taken with the codes, subject to no more than standard identity validations. I was emailed a code on asking for one, your results may vary. The bonus was paid promptly.

By: Roger Stewart Sr Wed, 01 Sep 2021 19:18:53 +0000 In reply to WJackson.

How’s this done my friend

By: Emily Thu, 06 May 2021 18:18:40 +0000 In reply to GJ.

Second this^^
I opened my account directly through the offer page and never received the bonus – when I asked customer service they said I never signed up through the promotion and asked for a promo code.

By: GJ Wed, 20 Jan 2021 21:19:09 +0000 what is the coupon code for the $350/$725bonus?

By: harris d leinwand Thu, 10 Dec 2020 19:50:42 +0000 chase is asking me for a code for you invest account promotion. i do not find it on your site. please provide it. thanks.

By: WJackson Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:07:50 +0000 Does not really want applications that pay out bonuses. Or apparently any.

Was told in-branch only, may come with free cortonavirus. Reps. do not return calls. No phone applications.

Then found an online application, which filled out apparently to company’s satisfaction.

The next day told it is necessary to UPLOAD driver’s license, Social Security card, utility bill to PROVE who you are for a cash-only account. Some of us cannot get uploading done properly exactly as Chase specifies. Has to be in specific online format and place. Physical Social Security card has not required for my use since 1978 thus no idea where card is. Using Medicare card instead for several years that conceals fraudsters’ favorite number. The last is a security precaution against ID fraud. It is fairly well known. Chase does not care.

By: Arielle Tue, 05 Nov 2019 08:34:56 +0000 There is definately a lot to learn about this subject.
I like all the points you made.
