This is by far the cheapest Game system you can get for only $100. It's tomorrow at Amazon website. Make sure you sign on and be ready cuz it will be crazyyyyy!!! from there email: Dear Customer, As someone who cast a vote in our Amazon Customers Vote election, we thought you might like to know that the Xbox 360 won this ... Keep Reading↠
Black Friday! Black Friday! Black Friday!
I must admit...Black friday is my favorite day!! i know i is sad..Anyways,,here is my Game Plan for Black Friday. 1) Drive to Circuit City by 3 AM. Store opens at 5AM. There are three deals that i'm looking for. Acer AMD Turion 64 Dual-Core TL-50 Notebook PC $599.99 after Rebate Compaq Presario Notebook w/ Celeron M 420, 512MB, 60GB, 15.4" LCD ... Keep Reading↠
Free money with Google checkout and Paypal Checkout.
Now that shopping season is around the about some free money by signing up with Google Checkout and Paypal Checkout. Google checkout bonus is $10 off $10 purchase, while paypal checkout bonus is $20 off $50 purchase with free shipping. Last day to sign up for google checkout is Nov. 26th, and paylpal checkout is Nov. ... Keep Reading↠
$50 free money for a test drive!
Here is another way to make easy money. Do a Buick Test Drive. From the website: Test drive a 2007 Buick and experience the benefits of OnStar* Turn-by-Turn Navigation† for yourself. Please fill out the form below and click on the "Next Step" button to continue. As an added bonus, once you've visited your local Buick dealer, you'll receive your American ... Keep Reading↠
Nintendo Wii on sale tonight at Wal-Mart 24hr!!!
If you have been reading this...i was unlucky with getting any PS 3. I'm kinda glad i didn't camp-out cuz PS 3 are selling for $1200 on Ebay. Not worth my time for standing in line for 3 days. Anyways, there will be plenty of Nintendo Wii on launch day..which is today at Midnight at your local SuperWalmart. I figure i only need to be there around 11pm, and pick one ... Keep Reading↠
Hot Limited Jordans On Sale Tonight!!!!
This is one of my best kept secrets on how to make money!!! Order these shoes tonight from 11pm central. They are limited Jordans which are low in quantity...if you are the few lucky ones to get through there website or service number 1800-826-2205. The product # is 14259381 and order up to ten. They are going for $144.99 retail..but by tomorrow on Ebay, ... Keep Reading↠
2% cashback Credit card on any purchase!
This is the best Credit card with cash back. It is from Orchard bank Credit card division. They are being a little sketchy with the details, but it seems like anyone can get it...assuming you got a decent credit score. Here are some more details from their website: Purchase types: 2% on every purchase, everywhere Recieving rewards: Rewards automatically ... Keep Reading↠
Element 32″ LCD HDTV at Home Depot for $430…BEST TV DEAL RIGHT Now!
PS 3 Plan didn't work out...too many people waiting already. Anyways, i just got back from Home Depot to looking for this T.V . This T.V is by far the best deal for your money..and you can even get it right now and not have to wait for a good deal on Black Friday. Here is what i did: Print this coupon 10% off Drive to your local Home depot, and at the customer ... Keep Reading↠
I love these deals…$140 free money.
Bank of America is offering $125 signup bonus for opening a new checking and saving account through this promo. Already a customer? no problem, you are still eligible. Last day to sign up is December 31, 2006. Here are a few ways you can get away from the fees at Bank of America. 1) Must have direct deposit to avoid the monthly $7.95 checking account fees (no ... Keep Reading↠
Costco Executive Membership…best deal in town!
I recently joined Costco due to their extremely lenient Return Policy and benefits. As a matter of fact, I upgraded that mug to executive Membership for an extra $50. Total cost for membership = $100 per year. Now, you know me...I will take full advantage of my membership to the maximum!! Here are the main benefits.... 1) 100% return policy NO Question Ask on ... Keep Reading↠
Make $2.50 by donation!!! This has to be the first of its kind.
Well...yes, i do have a kind heart. But why not make money at it too if you can. You might have heard of google checkout. Right now, by signing up with a citi credit card, you can get a 5 dollars credit if you make a purchase by Dec. 31st. Here is the link. Okay, now you need to make a purchase at because they have a couple coupons for $10 off any ... Keep Reading↠
Playstation 3! How to get one on launch date..Nov. 17th!!
PS 3, the hottest game console system, will be available to the public starting this friday Nov. 17th. There will be only 300000 units for the holidays. Yes, you will make at least 1000 dollars if you get your hands on one before Christmas through Ebay. I'm telling you the truth...find one at all cost. Get your family, friends, whoever to camp out with you. Here ... Keep Reading↠
Favorite Quote
"In any case, I don't care if you want to call it "taking", "borrowing", "stealing", "receiving", or anything else. The important question is, can it be obtained legally? If the answer is yes, then the moral implications of what you do with it are between you and god." by Makeinu ... Keep Reading↠
100 dollars gas bonus for signing up to Citi Protector
Got a Citi Credit Card?. Sign up to Citi Protector here to make $100. Of course, i don't care about the benefits, i'm after the $100 free gas. Sign up and they will send you a gas voucher. You send in all your gas receipts total at least $100 and they will send you a check of $100. Once you get your your check, cancel it asap. This program is free for the first thirty ... Keep Reading↠
Ebay’s 10 cents listing tomorrow on fixed price!!
haha...yes, i have been waiting for this day to unload all of my craps on all those FAR(free after rebate)!!! 10 cents listing ... Keep Reading↠