Allright..This sytem is widely known..but few can do this right. Say you have a hot item for example. Right now Circuit city has an a Memorex 2GB Flash drive for $71.99 with a $32 rebate. Go buy it from online, and do an instore pick-up (trust me, it works better this way) option. Before pickup, make a copy of this new price from Fry’s website.
Drive to Circuit city, and pick up item at Customer service. At the same time, ask for a Price Match by showing the copy of the new price from Fry’s. So Buy @ CC, 110% PM to Fry’s gives you: $71.99 – $42.90 (110% difference) + $32.00 rebate = Make $2.91. Now, mail in your rebate form with the original receipt.
you know what i would do ..ebay that 2GB biitch at then end. Again, do so at your own risk. This is a technique that required major hustling…
Here is a more detail version on how to Price match at Circuit City
My System for PM and FAR @Circuit City
1) Buy the item online and do pick-up Circuit City
(this way the rebates will not show up on the receipt)
2) Wait for rebates timeline to expire(very confusing here..i’m talking about the timeline of buying the item with rebates of Circuit city) or that the PM price of store B begins to pickup item
(this way, CSR may not remember the item with rebates hence has better chance with PM)
3) Pick-up the item by bringing the confirmation letter and the sale price of store B and PM on the spot.
(this way, you can save yourself an extra trip back to the store..instead of pick-up and come back later for PM)
4) If PM is refused, do not argue, instead come back later or tomorrow to try with a different CSR.
(again, don’t look like a greedy idiot by arguing with CSR)
5) If PM is still refused…return the item.
6) If PM is good, fill all the necessary rebates with the original receipt.
7) Make copies of all rebates…If you do not get rebates back because of prepared. Call the phone number of the rebates and get it corrected. Again Do Not Argue with CSR fo rebates center, if denied, call back again with a different CSR to be fixed.
You didn’t come across this:
Q: Does Circuit Citymatch the prices of Internet retailers?
A: Because many Internet retailers are not authorized sellers, we will only match the prices ofour own website (
Seems that should have broke your hustle.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Either way, this is an old method that CC has catch on. I’m not sure if they still let you do PM with rebates.
well..that was fun. Okay, so i bought the 2gb memorex online, and of course, i followed all my steps. There were a few bumps. I went to do a pick-up yesterday, there was a cute CSR..haha..damn, she remembered me from shopping there before..haha..for some reason, i didn’t want to do a Price Match. I came back to CC again today on my way to do an errand. So unlucky, i ran into the manager at the Customer Service. Anyways, he wouldn’t do the PM cuz he already knew there was a rebate on the memorex…I was just about to give up..but fck it..i drove to the next closest CC..everything went smoothly with the CSR. I got back $46.33 Now i just need to do my rebate. I shouldn’t have any problem because this is a manufacturer rebate. Damn that was krazy!!! Yes, i know it might not be worth it considering all the time and gas..but i love to make a deal!