Check all the Best Class Action Lawsuits to file claim for Settlement money.
Below is our full list of open lawsuits in which you may be eligible to submit a claim.
Browse through the list and see if you purchased the product or service and if you’re eligible to submit a claim. If you are eligible, submit your claim!
You are eligible for a cash payment as a compensation whenever a company decided to settle a class action lawsuit. However, you must file a claim form in order to get your compensation payment.
How to File Claim for Class Action Lawsuits
Take a look of our list to find open settlements for products you may have purchased.
Find out what the estimated payout will be and if proof of purchase is needed.
Figure out if it’s worth your time to follow through. Most no receipts needed can be a few minutes of your time.
Click through to the settlement claim form and fill out online.
Simply provide the necessary info such as your name and address, products information you purchased, and then submit your claim.
They will mail your check once to the address your provided once your claim has been approved.
Most claims checks are mailed 1-2 months after the claims period closes.
Best Class Action Lawsuits 2023
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That’s a bummer!
I love you!
Can I enter my proof of purchase if I bought all land, building, property and chattel with appurtenances and immunity of whatsoever nature forever to the United States from the 1739-1991 New Jersey Wills and Probate Records for Thomas McKean 1831 (inferred)? Is this sufficient proof of purchase since I bought the country or do I need a re-purchase receipt?
Good information.This goes out to everyone who needs a hack on their test scores .You can reach out to Rocketskycredit on telegram if you need to upgrade your PTE, IELTS , NCLEX scores upgrade . This is a very useful information for booking a flight. however , having low / bad credit scores doesn’t restrict you from using your cards and booking flight tickets . If you have any further queries about your flight reservation at cheaper rates . Then please do contact us. We are delighted to assist you by boosting your credit for loan approvals and travel expenses . We offer substantial discounts and specials on all flight bookings.
Bit into a bandaid that was in my food while I was in jail in grand traverse county Michigan
Class action lawsuits were allowed to let victims that were hurt by others but their losses were small band together and sue companies that had deep pockets. Unfortunately, Law Firms go after these big companies with deep pockets and collect big fees, sanctioned by the courts whose judges are usually former lawyers and members of the same club. The actual victims sometimes are compensated but usually get pennies or nothing as seen in the most recent case against $13million settlement against Google where the fines are going to Privacy Advisory Groups instead of the people that were harmed and the Lawyers get a big chunk of that. Some of these websites promotes these Class Action suite and makes it easy for people who were not actually harmed to collect a small share of the settlement. I’ve taken Laws into my hands my hiring cybersecurity experts m, HarmonyAngel on t e l e g ram, for helping me repair my credit as a whole and cleaning my bad history , after someone gained access to my accounts and credit card. With their help , I was able to raise my scores from 560 to 810 in less than 3 weeks. I was surprised because I really was skeptical at first. This really boosted my confidence again because the Wells Fargo bank couldn’t help me . Thanks to the team who helped me clear my records and now protection against any future cyber attacks.
I agree with you. My Nissan Rogue transmission went out on me and Nissan knows about the problems with the CVT transmission but just keeps using them and getting by with it. Buy a Toyota everyone needs to stop buying Nissan and they will change their junkie transmission.
Same thought ??????????
I have the same problem. car is now a lawn ornament !!
Same here.
Having trouble recieving settlement wenzel fenten and cabassa was the law firm used Dominic Boyd class actions suit is the reason I filed
looking for a class action lawsuit against amazon home warranty ,they scammed me and there are over 450 complaints in the last 12 months and 900 in the last 3 years and there getting away with taking peoples money .
why do they send out cards for a lawsuit AND ITS TO LATE
Lawsuit for Phillips cpap machines?
Sup Tony! You da man! 🙂
Purina Grain Free Cat
Food. My animal died and got very sick a few weeks after I changed his
How about a lawsuit against the Kansas Dept. of Labor for their mishandling of federal releaf funds and leaving
thousands of claimants literally homeless and starving since December of 2020?
what about law suits for nisssan maxima with cvt transmission failure. Just paid almost $5500.00 for new transmission. What a rip off that it dosen’t cover all nissana with cvt transmissions.
There needs to be a class action against google for allowing the app store to be flooded by chinese apps that are fake money making scams
add me
I need help with a law suit against publisher clearing House for Data breach of my Information and sweepstakes winning scams and sending products to me I didn’t buy chargeing and billing my credit ineed help please this been going on since October this company is not real just scaming cusummers
Amazon did that to me. Dropped me from $600 to $100 – no reason whatsoever.
I wish the list of class action lawsuits had a “date added” column, so I could figure out what lawsuits are “new” and could potentially apply to me.
I just had this happen on Christmas Day! Found out about it a few days later. They KILLED my credit score by slashing my limit on 2 of my cards to about $25 over my current balance! NOTHING had changed, and I didn’t miss a payment, didn’t make any late payments, but I got completely screwed over anyway!! I don’t know HOW this is legal!!!
I never heard of the Suboxone Settlement. I have been and still am a daily user of Suboxone since 2014 and would have definitely qualified for an award but realize the closing date for claims has passed. I would probably qualify for the largest amount available. Is there any grace period for a person like me who had no idea there was such a settlement. Was someone responsible for notifying users? I keep up with the latest news but never saw anything about this. Thanks for any guidance.
Someone really needs to look into Synchrony Bank !!! They are crooked and ruining people’s credit for no reason whatsoever other than Covid. They are closing accounts on good standing accounts and reporting them as negative on people’s credit reports, a lot in the last few months. I, being one of those people.
Who knew there were so many class action suits at one time. Now this sounds like a side hustle!
Many have issues .
Looking for all those who have been scammed by I am a victim as well of their deceptive business practices to include the hostage taking of domains clearly showing copyright and reserved materials. Fraud in happening on a daily basis with complaint of unsatisfactory customer topping over 60% of all their customer base. I disputed the charge due to NO Tech when advertise as 24/7 and they blocked my domain name and shutdown my store.
Grounds for law suit against Citi Bank of Sioux Falls SD and / or US Cellar Chicago Ill. While we were out of the country in China from Dec 1 to Oct 10th, Citi Bank decided to change our Master Charge card number without our permission resulting in us receiving a huge financial loss when our auto-payment’s were denied on a card having a June 2023 expiration date. We have AAA credit rating with never a denied charge. Our 2000 customers now have an in-operative cell ph. number due to our cell phone cancellation by US CELLUAR. Our Product Catalogs and Business cards have a WRONG CELL PH # Our office alarm shut off while we were out of the country. Our PayPal was blocked due to us not receiving a code number they sent to our empty cell phone. No email was sent out by Citi Bank and US CELLAR to inform us of this happening which we could of received in China. Now my question: HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS SAME EXPERIANCE LIKE WE HAVE HAD?
You’re all lame as hell
I will help counsol if you feel like talking
I can’t say if there are any suits pending but I can say that this drug is a very highly powered NSAID and it can cause extreme damage and injury to your stomach and digestive tract if you use it for an extended period of time.
Please shut up.
I would like to know if there are any lawsuits against the drug lyrica.
I had a bad reaction to it
Research lawfirms that have handled cases like yours before. Like the ones that took on Boy Scouts etc. At the very least your story deserves to be told.
Im sooo sorry to hear that..have ypu contacted the police? How old are you?
I love to have claim again loans company with all that over charge to much fees
add me
Anyone have a malignant melanoma from taking Viagara or Cialis? This form of skin cancer is linked to those 2 drugs. Davis and Davis Law Firm is handling this for me, so anyone that has this happen to them might want to give them a call. I understand there are a lot of other law firms handling this litigation too.
I was taking a drug called Simvastation it gave me terrible side affects. One of them was respiratory infection. I had for several months. I Google drug. And it said that. I was just wondering how many people was dieing with the Corona 19. Because of this drug. Because of the respiratory problem. Like I had. Stop taking it got much better.
I am a part of the Utz class action lawsuit. I have filled out all of the claim forms necessary and have not received a check. How long do I have to wait???? My claim number is UTZ215363 and conf. number is136479.
Mr Francis Selewski
Thank you for any consideration
I would like to start a suit against depression od children services for ignoring my continuous claims of rape and physical abuse at the hands of people they placed me with ,I remember the names and places things happened it ruined my life and getting someone to take a case like mine seriously isnt easy but my story is real .
I would like to know is there any research linking strokes to naproxen and any lawsuit against it….I’ve been taking naproxen for a while for onset of migraines and had a stroke in 2012 and to this day the doctors dont know what caused my stroke. They ran all kinds of test on me after I laid around for a whole week before even being diagnosed with a stroke cause I’m in good health with no health conditions every where I went I was told I had vertigo even after being rush to hospital by ambulance. I’m scared every of not knowing if I will have another one because of not knowing what caused the stroke. So I myself still take the naproxen but not often, I will take a excedrin migraine pill first because I’m afraid
Junk mail received.
On behalf of my cities, Newark Nj&Irvington Nj, I would like to file a class action lawsuit against the perpetrators behind this corona virus disease. This is purposeful! #1prolificserialkiller
I want to no about the class action against Perdo pharmaceuticals I was giving by my Doctor after a car accident Hydrocodone for pain for three years or more don’t remember I became addicted to the medication. Didn’t really know until I didn’t have it. The end of 2019 I started coming of the meds on my own not able to sleep can’t eat can’t breathe body aches I’m still having problems now . I need to speak with someone.
I agree 100%, as I am living the nursing home nightmare with my mother. Something must be done.
I would like to do a class action against Southern California nursing homes and/or the LA County district offices and California department of health who monitor them. They have seriously dropped the ball. Do an INEPT job. Because of it skilled nursing facilities have been allowed to function in a very ill performing way. Also to be sold over and over again even when they have negative standings.
Because of this, the elderly and most vulnerable suffer. They are maimed, neglected, abused and sometimes even death occurs. These entities have allowed and even caused residents to suffer.
There needs to be a class action. Skilled nursing facilities in Southern California and maybe in the rest of the state are in a state of emergency.. The class action could even be nationwide. Who would be interested in pursuing this? It’s time to take control.
I am with Kyla Hall. I am sick and tired of the screen freezing and sound muting!
I had the same thing happen to me, with some people knocking on my door offering to file for me for a small fee! I was almost about to go for it but I decided to google the class action lawsuit myself first and see what it was all about. All you have to do is fill out the claim form which includes Proof of Home Ownership documentation, a photograph showing the street number or address of the home, and a photo of the top and underside of the tiles. Mail that in and if they need any other documentation from you they will mail you and let you know what they need. After that you just sit and wait for the settlement if you qualified! Hope this helps. Those companies take 25% for filling out a claim form that YOU can easily do yourself if you know how to read!
I would like to file a class action against Spectrum for not being able to fix the constant cable issues. I know I’m not the only one.
Do i have a settlement check
I need to know if there has been any class action suit against DDT a fly spray used in the 50″s and 60’s. We used it on the dairy farm in an enclosed milking area. My sister and I now in our seventies both are having breathing problems and are both on oxygen twenty-four – seven.
I am want to file a claim for Monier tile class action suit. I had a company called consumer claims asstance reach out and offer to fill it out for me at 25% which $926. I cannot find out much on this company. I am tempted to do it my self. What do you advise?
Karen, don’t show fear. That’s why they choice you without filling you in with the details. Trust me, there worried about you more then your worried about them. Just chill.
I’m new cause my cc and Bank account keeps getting compromised. With you side washers ,first thing is never buy another one you know that but they look cool. I have a new house and I was smelling mildew. What you need to do (and this bites) but after you put the clothes in the dryer,leave your washer door open so that it can air out. If you open it and check at the bottom of the will have mildew. Clean it up with tiles are somethings ,leave the washer door open and every once a month just dry the bottom. Section with a clothe. That’s the only way I could get rid of the smell. Excuse my grammar I’m ok an iPad.
I have a Whirlpool Side by Side Refrigerator that I purchased in January 2019 at a Sears store. I have had a service technician look at it for complaints of LOUD clicking noises and it SMELLS like spoiled meat! I have cleaned it repeatedly, put boxes of Baking Soda in it and it still has an overpowering smell of spoiled meat! I no longer want it in my home because of the noise and smell. The technician told me “good luck with that!”
Do you know how I can get the store to let me switch it out for another?
I can’t find any law suits for this problem!
Add me please
I need to speak to an attorney regarding a scam i got mixed up in not knowing it was a scam until yesterday. I called my bank to get a full list of what I paid her and will be picking it up tomorrow. (my bank is open on Sun) I have kept every email from her plus bookmarked the scam page. I am scared to death. the last email said i had a demon or something similar following me since before I was born. I cat sleep, eat or go anywhere withour fear. Is there any one that can help me??? Oh God please.
Rachel lol…I know right!
I’m trying to get in the class action. Lawsuit against BOB EVAN’S….any info on HOW TO DO THAT would be helpful
I’m trying to get into the class act lawsuit regarding the Mercedes I’m having the same issues with mine and I read all the reviews on the recall list I’m having the same issues can I please get in on this I need my vehicle fixed as well
Everyone cannot really be this stupid? The site only shares the info. It’s your individual responsibility to go keep track of your submissions and follow up on them… on the website you submitted your claim. AGAIN this website only shares the link and info. The rest is up to you. My God! ?
What’s my status on the Qualcomm Mobile Phone settlement
I am owed money from class action lawsuit from Teleperformance USA How do I receive my balance owed to me?
Help, I filled the class action lawsuits form out and mailed it on the. The court date was July 18th 2019. I am still waiting on the check . Should I just wait.
What is my t mobile class action lawsuit status
What about a lawsuit for credit card companies that still charge late fees on closed accounts?
Mayon Brown
T mobile lawsuit Status
10 15 1970
Why no class actions against credit reporting agencies that ding your credit in order to cause you to pay higher
interest Are they getting kickbacks from the banks? My score should be perfect, but I have what should be illegal dings on my credit report. am 75, always pay my bills and on time, am a former accountant, so know the drill, and still have problems with two reporting agencies without merit.
I sent one to a person and tried to get my 500 dollars back they never responded..I would love to see them send it back
You are exactly right I sent one to a person and tried to get my 500 dollars back they never responded..,crooks
I am experiencing the longest Short Sale of a house ever seen in this area, Loris, South Carolina
The company keeps denying any and all requested paperwork that has been submitted and resubmitted.
Already lost one potential buyer and about to lose another.
I’ve bought several phones over the years, I just forgot the phone numbers, how can I get paid for those phones?
There should be a Class Action Lawsuit against Nissan, Honda n Toyota for INFERIOR Automotive FACTORY PAINT Applications that Fade and Peel Away down to the metal Even If you tried to Apply Wax n Polish to Maintain your Vehicle !
would like to know the same I now starting about 15 years agouti started with my yahoo email now I receive them in my google email as well I even got a couple of text messages from someone from one of those offensive websites a couple of times please keep me up to date on what answer they come up with thank u
care credit took all 3 of our cards and closed them once we paid in full. never a warning or email or letter.
Years ago in PA they stated that aspertame was cancer and I found it in gum and candy . Someone should file lawsuit
Be sure and contact GMC Consumer Affairs and report & obtain a case# to document the problem. Ask about a replacement vehicle due to Lemon Law. Starting communication with the manufacturer can often result in a positive result and provides the company data of a particular problem that may require a recall.
How can sue yahoo for sending my underage son and daughter sex ads on spam mail and taking friends names from the mailbox that they recognize to get their attention to buy sex or to get them on pornsites?????
Try using baby oil on thier head to get rid of cradle cap or Olive oil ,then when you wash it , use a very small amt of baby shampoo and brush the flakes away while it’s saturated and the flakes are dift ..will reduce baby’s hair fall ..but hair loss is natural when babies get cradles cap ..I’ve had 4 ..abd every one of them git some form of cc and two of them had a head full of hair at birth .the other two, not somuch ..u pretty much have to take a pre-emptive strike w cc by using baby or olive oil on thier heads .
There was an ADA lawsuit against them fir nit providing proper aid to disabled people it making thier vehicles more handicap accessible .. unfortunately , the most recent settlement ended 3/28/19 but I’m pretty sure , it could always be re- filed by someone else if anytime youd felt discriminated against..the more documentation and proof you have the better off you are ..smartphones make the best proof that I can think of , I believe .video , to record aufio if the employee being rude to you because you have hearing issues, and them telling you they cannot somehow accomodate safety procedures in other ways other than in audible form for people with hearing loss is just BS . even if you hold your phone down discreetly so it just captures them telling you those lies and being ugly and rude to you ( if recording conversations is legal in your state ) and taking pics of incidents if need be .Then I’d visit the AMERICANS FIR DISABILITY ACT website and see about getting yourself either a civil rights or disability rights advocate..then they should help you , and I’m pretty sure , don’t quote me on this , but free of charge especially if you’re getting SSI and trying to live on a fixed income .I got in on this past settlement , waiting to see a check pretty soon i hope .!
Try using baby oil on thier head to get rid of cradle cap or Olive oil ,then when you wash it , use a very small amt of baby shampoo and brush the flakes away while it’s saturated and the flakes are dift ..will reduce baby’s hair fall ..but hair loss is natural when babies get cradles cap ..I’ve had 4 ..abd every one of them git some form of cc and two of them had a head full of hair at birth .the other two, not somuch ..u pretty much have to take a pre-emptive strike w cc by using baby or olive oil on thier heads .
Hey people, I went from a 520 score to a 810 in a matter of days with the service of credit brainiac. This means a lot to me because i have been wanting to buy a home for a while and now i’m living happily with my family in our new home. If you plan on fixing your credit fast to buy a house, a car, or even get approved for a credit card or loan, the first thing you need to do is contact (at) g.m.a.i.l (dot) com. Having a good credit score will get you the best deal and interest rate on everything.
I never knew about the law action suits against belfordhigh school fraud I have all that to show that I am one who should have been notified but I guess I was too late the took my time and money
I would like to get in on it to. I’ve had the 4,5,6,7,10x now. An yes they are slow. I hate it
So how can we put a class action lawsuit against sprint. They over charge me all the time. I pay so much for a phone bill a month it’s not funny. I’m on a fixed income an if I don’t pay it they cut it off then when I get it back on they bill me for two months in advance. I don’t know what to do. I need help
I need a class action suit again Wave rider Hotel Resort in Myrtle Beach South Carolina This hotel took my deposit and treated me very unfairly and I didn’t have a place to stay after traveling for 9-10 hours on the road from Lexington, KY to Myrtle Beach South Carolina for Spring break with family and friends. I reached out to the South Carolina Human consumer Affairs. They weren’t able to continue my case due to the fact I didn’t agree with the outcome of the hotel request. So I am seeking addition assistance with this case . Even though this trip was April 2018. Can’t get any attorneys from Lexington to help me because its out of district. I am seeking my refund as well as humiliating unfair treatment discrimination, talk down to by pass as I stood there talking and asking the clerk why I don’t have a room to stay even thought my room was confirmed, and deposit was taken. please contact: more information available: Thanks
Is there a class action suit against MOVIEPASS. I joined the program last year and they have had nothing but problems since. Did not live up to any of their promises
Had the lap-band in 2010 and had to have it removed in 2013. Doctor said I was sensitive to the material it was made from. A lot of stomach problems since.
Has had mortgage payment issues with a company called Selene Finance, LLC? Wells Fargo sold our loan to them August 2018. First payment to them was September 2018, with advance fees of $596 added to monthly payment. Wrote asking what these fees were and was responded with they needed an additional 15 days. Another letter arrived stating they needed additional time again. Still have not received a response and it is March 2019. No knowledge from Wells Fargo as to why loan was sold and we were given only a 15 day notice that the new company was to be paid. Never heard of this company, but have had nothing but issues with them. Looked up the company and read there are many people having problems with this company.
I really wish there was. Green dot has the worst customer support that swears they’ll do anything to get your money back from a merchant and actually does absolutely nothing to help you, that is if you can understand them. Never purchased another Green dot after getting ripped off and Green dot did nothing. I’d be quick to file against them if the opportunity presented itself.
Is there a class action lawsuit against Coca Cola or Pepsi for using Aspertame in their diet soda. I have Aspertame poisoning and have MANY side effects from drinking this artificial sweetener?
Is there a class action lawsuit against Coca Cola or Pepsi for using Aspertame in their diet soda. I have Aspertame poisoning and have MANY side effects from drinking this artificial sweetener?
I am had the same issue with hughesnet plus so many others. I’ve googled and found so many people with the same experience. I hope they are next. I despise this company now.
Are there any law suits
Against green dot bank?
when does this qualcom class action settlement happen? I have not seen anything on it.
How did he help and the cost ?
lookup NHTSA Recalls. also get a lemon-law attorney
I’m a little confused, but Ive been selling on ebay for over a decade and they run special offers sometimes where they waive seller fees or discount them. But these promotions usually only last a few days. Seller fees vary among different categories but can be around 10% of the sales price. It seems like they are just requesting what they are owed. Do you have the original email/offer stating that you never have to pay seller fees?
Is there anyway I can contact you to find out if you ever got anything done in this matter I’m in the same boat as you are except they are trying to charge me over 800.00 and it’s on my credit report now. Thanks so much Ashley E. Russell Jackson, Tn
Did you guys get the settlement from Honda? I cant find anyone who has? I sure havent!
A cashback program terminated our memberships claiming that we’d violated their terms. Our accounts currently have balances over $200 combined. Would they be guilty of committing fraud if they don’t refund the merchants but keep our portion of the rewards?
Bank of America sold my Morgage to mr Cooper nation stair they hold wellsfago in one year they charged me 20000 in fees by filing a forcloser 11 months after they took over my Morgage claiming I did not pay sent letter everyday call 3 to 4 times a day every time different story had to borrow 20000$ or I would loose my home I payed for for 18 years I owed more than I payed when I bought it when they frogently put these fees and unbeleavable charges
I went to pay my bill and the person dwane payed his girl friends phone took month to straitened that out same day upgraded my phone in Plymouth mass store I was not interested in 10x put said it had more than my over 170gb but not true still fighting they erased my back up lost over 3000 pictures 70 video and uncountable files asked for new phone rep erased my back up this was November 16 brought back 17 18 apple out of good of heart Yryed to help said sales person destroyed this phone finally backed up Jan 30 yesterday and phone is still in useable customer service is rude to myself sprint user management and apple Plymouth mass store Dwayne and assistant manager T J yesterday told sprint would replace with new phone went their only to find out that they lied to upermanagement got to store refused to honor what was just agreed upon told me I would have to buy phone they destroyed don’t use this store they steel you money pay girlfriend accounts and lie about phones funny thing I was leaving for I was going to purch 8 I phone sum up stole my 7 perfect conditioner only owed 175 then totally payed took that stole my payment payed girlfriends phone my phone was found girlfriend has it I’m still have broken phone never transferred with the help of apple but all my data pic files and work related files over 3000 photos 80 videos files to many to count the employees are theives and conartests use this store at your own risk Plymouth sprint shops at 5
Hey there, I’m Fred Peterson from San Fransisco, i was in need of a loan a couple weeks back, I needed about $20,000.00 to pay for some pressing expenses,i searched for a while but got tired,so i went online and applied from a company called Sun Loan Firm.they helped me out with a loan of $25,000, despite my bad credit. i’ll strongly advise you contact the company email
Yes when does it start. Something needs to be done
my house so we have 6 to 7 phones at times
My car broke down in two months
would you please tell me how much he charge and is everything done over the phone. Thank you, Pattay
when will this class action take place.
How do i get my credit cleared
Heads up y’all ..
Huge class action coming up “Qualcomm Mobile Phone Antitrust”
250+ million class members, ~$5+ billion dollar damages..
6 or 7 of my phones are on the list! I’m still checking other phones i’ve owned thru the years..
It’s about time!!
Wireless carriers & phone makers have been Ripping us off for decade$!
We had horrible issues with American Express Financial too. Were told that we were in good hands that they would keep an eye on everything for us. That didn’t happen, and we lost thousands of dollars.
My husband and I lost our home to these devils ( BOA) refused to give us a modification on our loan a second time because the first one made our payment go up 300$ a month.
Then they said we didn’t qualify for the lawsuit money every one else was getting!
The kicker was that they sent us a 1099 to file on our taxes for 50,000.00 as income!!!!
Our lives were ruined by these people. I hope the lose everything!
did you find anything on auction houses? i have one that cheated me out of a truck load of my things
*****HELP…. Royally screwed by BANK OF AMERICA! In 2008 took out a home equity line of credit. They required we put all our credit card bills on it, and promised once we had finished the addition on our home they would convert it to a home equity loan that would include refinancing the first mortgage. When the time came to convert the loan, and refinance the original loan, they refused to even allow us to fill out an application. It was now a jumbo loan, which they had promised it would not be. It ended with us losing our house, and our business. Since they didn’t convert the loan, they had no equity in the house. That being when it was foreclosed on, they couldn’t they couldn’t get any reimbursement. Now we have this huge black smudge on our credit history. There was a class action lawsuit against them, which we qualified for, but the attorney it seems couldn’t get a hold of us? So we missed out, and got nothing. For the past 6 years we have used no credit cards, are in debt to no one, owe nothing to anyone; but can’t even get a credit card to improve our credit score due to their claim against us. This country has become one of “Corrupt Practices Pay” and many companies are taking advantage of it. Digital banking makes it worse, as they can take money from your account, and most likely you will never get it back. The attorney of the class action suit says we are still most likely entitled to compensation, but there is no way we can afford to pursue it and pay an attorney ourselves. Basically, they destroyed us financially. Being older American’s with health issues, there is no starting over for us. *****DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY HELPFUL ADVICE? It would be more than appreciated. Also, how do you post on this site, outside of replying to someone else’s comment? *Gazelle.
I had my share of issues with Sprint also. I spent over 11/2 hours straightening my bill out. I was being overcharged on my phone which brought it down from a $1’000 to $30 and when I received my next bill it was right back up there to like $700. I never paid it cause I did not owe that amount and now its in the credit bureau.
Hello I just read your comment on getting your credit score higher. May I ask how and where to find the guy and what does he charge?
Thank you
Mine too
And a fee to overdraw insured I overdrew and $560 in overdraft fees. They finally closed it at $1032. Now wants to make a agreement but refused to stop adding fees
What about eBay advertising to “Waive” Sellers fees, then attempting to withdraw Those so called “waived ” fees so aggressively that I’m no longer able to use My PayPal account Due to a dispute on my eBay account over sellers fees I wasn’t supposed to be charged for to begin with! Then when I was able to use it,, I’ll say right about 2-3 weeks around the time this EBay dispute began, PayPal kept ” freezing “up my money over ” suspicious deposits. Now.. At That time, I was selling Avon and Mary Kay makeup, leftover inventory a family member asked me to sell for her online.I even obtained written consent from her to verify IN CASE there was any problems. I’d understand if the deposits were in the double and /or triple digits, but no, a majority of my deposits received from EBay for the sale of our personal stock Were in amounts as low as 3-4 dollars on up to approximately 35-40 dollars
Just to clear this up before hand : neither I or my family member owed ANYONE for this makeup. It was all purchased as wholesale stock, fully paid for and we’d ” recoup OUR monies by Either taking our inventory to the local flea markets & selling It that way, or we’d take orders from any of our already established customers from our Home. The customer would either come to the house by appointment to pay and pick up thier order or one of us would deliver it to them. When a time came to where weWere unable to do that due to this family members home being forclised on, anD tjier having to move to assisted living apartments. So we had to liquidate this stock as quickly as possible. There was no way they could have taken it with them. This is half a basement FULL of a 3br/full bath range style home.. The basement /garage ran the entire swuarefoitage of the house so needless to say, there was NO WAY My fam member could’ve been able to store all of that in a 1 br/1bath rent controlled apartment lol, so rather than setting up yard Sales Every weekend to sell this stuff I suggested liwuidating it by selling it on eBay. My point is, sll of it was ours and there was no reason we should have been treated By PayPal like we were selling stolen merch by claiming Any of my incoming transactions wrre suspicious. The only outgoing transactions were when I’d print off a paid shipping label
or withdrawal to pay my family member for her merchandize that I’d sold for her. I’d already shown all of the papers to PayPal and eBay to prove my eBay sales wree all on the up and yp and coming from personal stock then, we began to have issues with eBay attempting to collect sellers fees from my PayPal account, after running a special where all the sellers fees were being waived. So nietger of us owed anyone, it was OURS free and clear .
We had all of that proven ene This has gone on now fie over 6-7 years with my pal account, rendering me unable To use It to accept any paychecks from any of the freelance or remote work opportunities I may have, forcing me to either be unable to accept certain jobs (Because some ONLY paid via PayPal) or having to open an account through different online payment methods .
Sprint is crooked in every way. I had the problem with in disconnecting my service at end of contract in the year 2007. Well they didn’t do it. Two months later I was sent a bill to pay and I refused so the account was sent to collections and I wouldn’t pay that either. Eventually it was removed from credit report. In 2017 a collection agency requested a payment after 10 years but stopped after I threatened to suite them for harassment. Nothing is on credit report.
I tried all i could to get my score to as excellent as it was but all effort doesn’t yield any result until i came across this hacker on Youtube Cyberhack005 @gmailCOM. who’s formerly a FICO agent. Just in few days he helped improved my credit score to 850
I applied for a house and car loan few month ago. I was rejected because of my low credit score of 545. I owned a home for 18 years, never once late on the mortgage payments. Sold in 2006 and all 3 credit bureaus recently removed this and say I have no recent credit? Then dropped my scores nearly 200 points. I tried all i could to get my score to as excellent as it was but all effort doesn’t yield any result until i came across this hacker on Youtube Cyberhack005 @gmailCOM. who’s formerly a FICO agent. Just in few days he helped improved my credit score to 850. I promised I’ll share my experience with you guy as possible as I can, you can mail him if you have issues with your credit, need to clear records, liens, clear debt, remove judgement and all others
broke femur bone at Beauty Shop attidude 1 and 2 were the operators 1 in Rockford 2 in Chicago
My husbands retirement account was managed by Fidelity/survivorservices. Upon his death, Fri. Nov. 2, I notified Fidelity of his passing on Monday Nov.5. As his beneficiary, I was advised that I was entitled to 1/2 of his pension. I confirmed that I wanted to the payments to be continued by direct deposit into the same account we have been using for his pension and was advised that the payments would be made into the account on the 1st of the month as his were. I had several automatic payments made on the 1st of the month as I knew pension money was available. I found out on Dec. 3rd that the direct deposit was not made into my account by Fidelity. This caused several bank charges on the payments I was not able to stop and several late fee payments for the accounts I was able to postpone. I was told by Fidelity that they had my Dec. payment scheduled for release on Dec. 14 and it should be in my account by Monday Dec. 17th. They further advised that after this payments would be into my account by the 1st of the month as scheduled. I asked why this happened and they advised that they needed paperwork filed and it wasn’t done in time. I told them my husband passed on Fri., you can only contact them during business hours Mon. to Fri. 8:30 to 5;00. I contacted them Mon. morning shortly after they opened. While they had enough time to stop my husband’s payment from going in on the 1st, they were not able to schedule mine before the 14th. When I told them, upon receipt of the forms they mailed me, I immediately filled them out, provided copies of everything they needed and drove it to the post office so it would go out the same day. Their answer was even though the paperwork was scanned in their system on the 25th of Nov. they didn’t have enough time to process the direct deposit within a week. They also advised that they mailed the packet to me within 3 to 5 business days of me contacting them and don’t know why the post office took over two weeks to get to me. I couldn’t understand how them holding up less than $1200. could save them that much while it had such devasting affect on me after battling alzheimers with my husband for 10 years but then realized I am a drop in the bucket but when you multiply it by the thousands of claims they process, holding up a widows entitlement for more than two weeks it a big profit to them.
Are there any class action suits against Fidelity retirement accounts.
I will be filling a suit against the city of Columbus Ohio and Nationwide Ins. Co in fed court for pay to play and much more. I am looking for the good att. that can do this case. It will end up a class action as people have died from this. I was a electrical inspector there and have the dirt as many others do. Any help would be great as the feds are after them also.
They are a rip off…worst service
Ps. If you check your cloud his voicemails might still be there. Good luck
I am looking to have my claim forms sent to me to fill out. I can not find them on this site or on the phone call. Please send the claim forms on the Aeromexico call recording settlement
I would like to file or join a Class Action against Wells Fargo Mortgage and or other with this Bank. I Closed on a newly BUILT home thru Fannie MAE, Managed by Wells Fargo Bank. I have many problems with this Bank (Mortgage ESCROW/Equity, Interest Rates increase without notice or just cause, Have Fixed MORTGAGE on my home but can’t prove it. The monthly payment amount changes often, while nothing else has been changed by me and without notice. Initial Payment on CLOSING Document as designated for monthly payments has never gone into effects. Never explained. I’ve never been delinquent on any bill with them or any other creditor. I have applied for HELOC/Equity loans with Wells Fargo, from my home MORTGAGE for emergency and urgent reasons. They willfully did either of the following each time I made application (a) Deny, (b) Offer too small amount to do the needed jobs which were Not the percentage of Equity that I COULD HAVE RECEIVED AND THE AMOUNT THAT WOULD BE NEEDED to protect the foundation of my home from deteriorating, to fix water erosion from coming to the foundation, to Finish the Maintenance of the lower level of my home, and to close in the DECK from dangers of wild animals, weathering and rot , and dangerously built, and keep in standard with other homes in the Subdivision. Wells Fargo, just recently offered to do an application for $25,000.00 (Not Enough) Only for the above, but at 8 or above percent. Unbelievable! They even changed my FIXED RATE to Variable without discussion about it. When I brought the issue to their attention they Said “they could not give me a Fixed Loan, because they were Not allowed to do it by policy.” MY RATE IS 4.00 % and they were changing everything without my input or discussion to 8%. There’s almost as much Equity as the amount owed on the house and the house is deteriorating. That’s one of the main reasons Equity is there. Wells Fargo, has appeared on my Credit Report at least 7 or more places on the same credit Report for business that I did not do with them and at a time when I never considered nor had credit with Wells Fargo. they used various Titles and abbreviations in the spellings and listings to make it seem as if they were different Creditors which further caused injury because the Credit Bureaus used it and reported it as TOO MANY INQUIRIES (but I didn’t do it either way) yet, I paid the price of being rated with lower scores, for this adverse action. I am not pleased with their services and I feel violated, deceived, and injured by Wells Fargo, because of their conduct, Actions and Failures in their dealings with me as a customer, consumer and professional.
So would I. when the market crashed & they got all the bailout money they gave me a 2nd predatory “Band Aid”
that if I paid on time for 5 years the told me they would give me a Fixed rate, well 5 years of perfect payments & they went back on their word & won’t honor the deal and now my interest is going up 1/2 % every 6 months up to 10% Over Prime. Im in forclosure & about to lose my home. Any class action suits on this or Predatory loans?
I want to file a claim in the AeromexicoCallRecordingSettlement. I can’t find the claim form in your instructions to get a claim form on line. Please let me know how to get this claim form. My email is . My claimant ID# is 0000139847.
Herbert Goldberg
I was told same by Direct Tv & only received a $100 VISA…not the promised $200. Plus I moved to building doesn’t allow any carrier except Spectrum so I got screwed by Direct & Spectrum overbilling me & won’t fix it!
It says that checks usually go out 1-2 months from the claim file by date. That date is today. 10/25/2018.
Same with me. I paid my bill with them in the past on my Debit/credit card.. They charged me a fee on my card when I cancelled. No explanation! Couldn’t get it figured out. Cancelled my card!
I’m no specialist in this area; just a woman who hates to see such corporate indifference/injustice. My story: After being w/ Directv almost 5 yrs. in 2015 I decided to change as I am on a fixed income and their costs kept rising. My bill was up-to-date, by the way, They had the nerve to draw $462 out of my bank account using the false premise that-haha-I had broken the contract! After numerous calls to the corporate office, etc. I pulled up a complaint form from my state’s (NC) Attorney General, copied all required paperwork and mailed it to him. I may
have sent a copy to the FCC. Happily, I received the full amount back into my checking account within a month!
My best wishes to you. Hope this works. Go get ’em!
Sprint cell phone service is fraudulent, and has caused me a great deal of distress. Opened an account on 2/23/16, however begin experiencing issues with my phone, shortly there after. I took the phone in store to get service/ assistance; only to have the tech delete my deceased spouses last voicemail, our pictures, and other important things on the phone. I filed a written letter of complaint about the service received, an alleged claim for a new phone was made; however never received. My phone ended up getting stolen. Again,I went to store to file a claim, and was informed that a claim for a stolen phone could not be made because the type of account I had ( despite having phone insurance). Disgusted, I then asked for my services to be cancelled, however they were not.
Recently, I went to go buy furniture at a local furniture store, and was denied because of a old sprint account that was never properly addressed, but sent to collections. The crazy thing is that I only used the phone for three weeks to a month. Yet, they were charging me late fees, and for months of unused services. On several occasions, I have attempted to handle this matter professionally. I even kept copies of all communications between Sprint and myself. Their response was, unfortunately it has been too long for our company to assist you. However, it wasn’t too long again that they put wrong information on my credit report . The gull of these ingrates. (PLEASE HELP ME!!!!)
Pretty sure I was cut a check for a class action suit against Red Bull a couple years ago.
So I’m pretty sure if someone can not only win a judgement or themselves, but also get a bunch of other people on board with their bullshit,….
The sky’s the limit.
Like, really, … The case was over Red Bull not actually giving you wings.
Sue Walmart for the selection of actual walls they sell.
I sure can vouch for gross errors by 5/3 Bank. Non-payment to creditors, authorized by me off my account, and payments only accepted that were made by bank (credit cards, loans) and said that my check was on deposit but had not cleared their bank, 5/3, caused NSF fees both at bank and creditors, and I had to pay late, plus fees, and go down as a late payor. These included Capital One credit card, Americash loan, USA Web cash, netcash, etc. There were a whole bunch of very complicated screw-ups. After the bank had failed to make the monthly (although small) so-called “automatic payments” for a month or more, and the $35.00 NSF fee was incurred against my account, both at the creditor and at the 5/3 Bank itself, while the original payments were only about $35.00 each, which doubled and tripled the debt in each case, I also lost the Easy Access Roll Over right or privilege or feature offered with my account (money off my next month’s deposit check or credit), after two (2) NSF’s, which were caused and incurred solely and only because of the 5/3 Bank’s non-payment on Direct Deposit Day, when the creditor(s) called the 5/3 Bank ONCE ONLY for their payment and were refused. This, I will re-state and reiterate, was told to me by the Personal Banker, Sean Temperly, in Chicago, around Dearborn & Division Sts., branch of 5/3 Bank, that my SSA Check WAS on deposit but that it had not yet cleared the Bank, which it would in about an hour or two hence. In fact, I know my monthly Check was on deposit, because my own funds WERE in fact available to me by ten or 11:00 a.m., while the creditor had called at 9:00 a.m. for the payments I HAD authorized and signed for the bank to make. After I dropped the 5/3 Bank and my direct deposit there, I much later received some outrageous bank statements from the 5/3 Bank – that I owed all this money, including late fees, that I had owed to the creditors and had, in fact, paid directly as I was allowed to do after the loan, for example, came due. This I achieved by my own cellular telephone using a good debit card with my own money on it, after I received collections notices from several of the creditors above mentioned. Considering the small amounts of money it entailed to begin with (on credit) and that I owed, I find it a travesty that not only did it pull my credit rating down, it was all done behind my back and I was told I was simply not ALLOWED to make direct (timely) payments myself; rather, that these had to come from the bank. Since this did not happen, I think I am owed some settlement on a class action lawsuit against the 5/3 bank.
I had 2007 Honda pilot where switch went bad after 140,000 miles called Honda home office since recalls were done on 2003 models for same problem said would have to b 120,000 miles or less.But this was not the case for 2003 models What course can I take was out nearly 1k.
5/3 Bank caused an overdraft on my checking account with their monthly fee and have refused to restore $10.47 of the $11 fee to my account to bring it to a zero balance and close the account. So they are refusing to let me close the account unless I pay the $10.47 and they won’t close it otherwise. Fifth Third Bank has threatened to report me to credit and debit agencies and to collection bureaus. I wrote to them and informed their VP of the fact that Federal and State Banking Regulations forbid banking institutions from over drawing an account with maintenance fees. I wonder how many accounts have been overdrawn through this illegal practice. I believe it is a lot!! I see a cause of action for a lawsuit and enough cases to possibly become a class-action. Could be more than one bank involved. Need a good attorney.
Had fractured femur without injury after being on Biophosphonates since 2002…required 5 surgeries due to non union ..please assist with class action. Suit
Class action against cooper iud anybody knows.
VW needs to recall 2007 vw rabbits for faulty transmissions. they are sealed and there is no way at all to know it has no fluid until it is too late!!
North American Company, Sammons Financial Group. Had a whole life policy since 1984, payment $150.00 quarter. We never missed a payment or late. April 2017 we started to get “grace demand notices and then we were told we would have to pay $662.00 a quarter to keep our insurance > when we asked about cashing out we were told the policy had a value of 42 cents. No explanation of what they were doing with our money all these years. We are in our 60’s . It seems like a “ponzi scam” and they shake you down when you hit 60. There is zero Federal oversight and many states don’t care what these companies do. I know MA doesn’t. Caution
bank of America. has tried to call on my phone and wanted to ask me to verify my personal info also record my calls. when I refuse they told me to go to nearest bank which I thought it is a scam .. then 12 days later they froze all my accounts including a corporation accounts that I use to pay employees, vendors and taxes .. they did not open them till I called and they start asking me questions about my accounts which already was there. then asked me about my double nationality. which is nothing to do for my corporations.
I was hoping to find a class action attorney who is handling any suits against Solarcity/Tesla for their fraudulent My Power financing agreement. They presented this program as a means to pay off your system like a flat rate loan but it was a Power Purchase Agreement (not an ownership program) in disguise. This was fraud because they didn’t tell the homeowner that the thirty year term is negative amortization. I have been making payments for almost three years and still have the same balance I had on day one. In addition there is an accumulation of additional interest above and beyond what I have paid thus far.
Ric Hussman
has there been a settlement on depuy -asr- hip implant
I to,would like help,with that have you found out anything help please
I would like to start a Class Action Lawsuit against Citizens Bank. They bought my Mortgage from National City and they would only apply $20 from each payment towards the Principal of my loan. I have my own Homeowners Insurance they also closed the Escrow account but did not apply the money towards the principal. They are refusing to answer any of my calls or my letters and I have since found out that they are not licensed to do business in my State.
I would like to become part of the class action law suite against Wells Fargo for there loan modification program thank you so very much for your time
When will a law suit be filed, or are there any law suits, against Bank of America for mortgage adjustment fraud where they have denied mortgage adjustments to qualified applicants? I tried to get a mortgage adjustment from Bank of America and I can prove that their representatives lied even after I wrote letters to Bank of America’s CEO.
Anyone have an idea when the Honda airbag checks will go out ? I see the settlement was effective July 31
I would like to file a class action law suit against Chumba casino. I thought since Facebook sponsored this on line casino, that it would be regulated. I have contacted Chumba casino they give me the run around about cashing out
I have never got a dime from the. I have tried contacting Facebook. NOOO RESPONSIVE. Please advise me thank you
I was with a major engineering and construction for 35 years then one day out of the blue I was told they were ‘eliminating non critical positions’, I was the payroll a manger and by that I was a working manager, from processing to paying and calculating union benefits, taxes, garnishments, etc. but my job wasn’t eliminated it was given to two younger employees located in the city. We were working in a camp status….
I’ve been told it’s hard to prove age discrimination, but I had been on this job for almost 3 and a half years. I was previously given an award, so I know there are other factors in them eliminating my job.
My name is Juanita Ragsdale and I think I am on the lawsuit how would I go by getting my funds
Is there a lawsuit for discount tires and their warranry replacement plan you buy for the tires?? I had a employee tell me that i had to buy another replacement plan for a tire i had just replaced because my driveway is gravel and they consider that “off Roading”
Needless to say i left, did the buy the warranry plan i had just bought and took my business to BIG O Tires.
Is there any lawsuit against California property tax related for homeowners to file?
I have been a lycos mail user since the early 2000’s. But their service is not formatted for Samsung Galaxy s7 phones. So I only used it with my laptop. Well my laptop died in April of 2018 and now July of 2018 I use a different computer to login and they say I need to pay for a premium email account. According to the web lycos stopped free email in May 2018. In a time when there is tons of free email out there I feel this is extortion just to get my contacts!
I think weight loss as a side effect from resperdone medicine, it is not on the possible side effect list, I was on it for 5yrs prior to doctors realizing it was the medicine. I was taken off and loss 60lbs in 2-3 months time. Prior to taking the medicine I was 135lb after 1-2 yrs I weighed 260lbs. And have since not been able to get below 180lb and the weight caused extra health problems. I know there is already a class action against them for another reason. Why, is this not among them?
Thank you and have a blessed day.
CIT Bank offered “Ramp Up” CD’s a few years ago when interest rates were rock bottom that permitted depositors a one time ramp up to current rate should rates go up. With the Fed increasing rates the past couple years CIT Bank has failed to raise any rates on their 3 or 4 yr CD products, thus precluding their depositors in these Ramp Up CD’S from availing themselves of any increase in rate, plus simultaneously refusing to early retire the CD without any early withdraw penalty. All CIT Bank competitors have raised their rates along with the Fed increases, thus leaving CIT depositors in a very uncompetitive & financial loss position. Do you know anything about this situation & if so what do you recommend?
Apparently there is a cause/effect of seltzer water and kidney stones. In my case the correlation has seemingly
been proven as I am scheduling bladder surgery.
Please read the People’s Pharmacy today or yesterday.
The Graedons discuss the phenomenon in their syndicated column.
I assure the reader that I am not distorting the allegation.
The beverage and/or supermarket companies do not acknowledge on the can of carbonated flavor.
I need legal assistance to press my claim of negligence.
Thank you.
I would like someone to take a look at INTERFACE MODELING. They have stolen so much money from people all over the UNITED STATES. They take your money and promise you things. like elite pictures, photo opps but when you call them the next day they have disconnected their phone, closed and locked their doors, and moved onto a new spot torip people off again It was my grandson that they took advantage of. He was only 4yrs old. Was approached in a mall. Which I FOUND Oout they do all the time . THEY NEED TO BE RESPONSIBE FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND PAY BACK WHAT THEY STOLE. THANK YOU
After Janus Ruling, Teachers Are Suing for Return of Fees They’ve Paid Their Unions
By Sarah Schwartz on July 3, 2018 4:46 PM
Resolution of Fraudulent Payments by both my Suntrust Bank & Suntrust Mortgage Internal Accounts. Persistence of misconduct inappropriate unacceptable behavior of Suntrust Supervisors, Alouding the fraud to remain undetected.
I got penalized cause i wasn’t allowed to collect $187 unemployment for one week so unemployment said i can’t get unemployment for two weeks. So they took $187 for one week, $187 for another week plus $93.50, another week, and another $100 for a penalty fee. That’s a lawsuit!
Please add the ability to sort by date added. Thanks.
I don’t even have a Facebook account , and someone in Ireland had stolen all my information, because Facebook.
getting the help i need has become tediously fustrating for 3 and one half years I could not get a loan for a home in a decent area for me and my children promises from loan places almost came true but the application must of got lost in the mail the deal taxes are slow even when the amounts show up whats a person to do to get teh financial needs met and what are the steps exactly
I totally agree. There were so many times, when they actually had an office you could access and actually talk to someone, that we would go in and ask them why the bill had increased as to what we had signed up for. They always had some sort of excuse. They would fix it there and few months later they were doing it again.
The lobby was always packed with people there for the same issue. 6 months ago, ours starting fluctuating again. So, each month now, I check closely to see if I need to call them again.
Continuation on Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC.
I am on disability and don’t have the money for an attorney to handle this issue. I am struggling now. And no one wants to help me.
2nd degree burns from a Heart Warmer (R). tube that burst. after 2 minents in the microwave, the tube burst dripping hot gel on both my arms. Was at thde ER for 4hours the first time. Have been back on two other occasions ER. Date Of injury, 5.2.18. Still in the process of healing.
Yes it’s a shame. They quote you monthly. What your bill is going to be then you get a bill that continues to grow. Many times the customer representative cant figure it out. I agree we need a law suit. And what about all the fees?
Contact the CFPB, FTC, OST file complaints, violation of Reg Z & X
Apparently there are ALOT of angry customers of comcast that had their ability to record/DVR from Xfinity streaming app away from home turned off due to a TiVO lawsuit against comcast. I am 3-4 weeks into a 2 year contract and after asking the 3 different reps on the phone ” Can I record from my ROKU’s (The Roku’s run the app) the answer was yes as long as you have at least one cable box and DVR services. That feature worked the very first night i used it. The next day it was turned off. Now 2 days ago the feature magically reappeared again. I asked in the Xfinity forums “Did comcast settle the lawsuit with TiVO? The Recording feature is re-enabled again in the app” A “Official Comcast Employee/moderator” then replied “No this is not a feature that should still be available. Thanks for letting us know. We will begin to investigate this. ” So now I guess they are going to turn it back off? As paying customers can they legally do this? Does that not constitute a breach of contract?
Comcast needs a class action brought against them for overcharging, no credit when there is an outage and excessive fees and taxes….it is a damn monopoly with comcast and they know it
Can not find a telephone number or eMail address for the following claim request information and application. I am a Vietnam Veteran and will need assistance to complete my claim? Settlement Claims Administrator – 5773 Faribault, MN 55021-9612. Please call me at 919 542 0171. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Time share there is a big scam the pressure you into buyin I’ve gave then 10,000 dollars over the past year and 8 months or so and can’t even book a week these people need to go to jail
if Canada dry ginger ale is being sued for not having ginger in it why is walmart not being sued I have been bying walmart sams club ginger ale for years never looked at it then I seen the Canada dry so I took the bottle out of my frig of walmart great value and it has no ginger in it
Are you still at your home? I’ve had Ocwen 8 years now. Nightmare! Finally got a loan mod. Been up for sheriff sake twice. I know exactly what your dealing with. Have you found out if your eligible for free legal help? My husbands income didn’t allow us when we were in default, but was told I was eligible once we were in foreclosure. Was told laws change once your in foreclosure. PRAY. Hardest thing I’ve ever been through. DONT, answer there calls. It only makes it worse on yourself.
I have made my claim for this settlement with idt energy, i was serviced with gas and electric and it was hell the whole time. My bge went sky rocket and i was paying the most to this company. Even once i tried to cancel out of it the still bill me
This was the experience ever my service was shut of twice
I just want to know have it been settled and what benefits will i receive with the cash option.
I meant the bill in full was $86.35
I had internet with Spectrum or Comcast and they told me it would be $40. A month, every bill I got was the same as hook up fee, when I called they told me it was my monthly bill with taxes . Also one person told me it was my hook up fee, although I paid ut the day it was hooked up in full. How can they charge you this much money after telling you it’s on 40. A month, but get added $46.35 for just taxes,. So needless to say I had it turned off.
I need help with Ocwen Mortgage co who has taken my home out from under me ..Who Ocwen put a judgement on my property and me one year prior to foreclosure.And I have never received any certified mail from Ocwen as of last week iwas waiting for a specialist in Ocwen loan dept to call me. Now I found out they sold my property on Hubzu and rejected any of my bids .I’ve been trying to fight them with every resource that is on the internet .I will be homeless once this cash sale goes thru
I also had this issue with them. And the company does not care told us the will hike prices when they want too and it does not matter if we locked in
Comcast/Xfinity has been overcharging me also. I can’t change since they are they only internet service in my area. They’re still charging me for a voice remote that I never had and my bill keeps creeping up every month. Customer service is a nightmare. I get switched to a different dept at least 3 times, hung up on non-stop, they are rude and have lied to me. I spent 4 hours 1 day just trying to get help with my bill. They are the WORST utility service I have ever delt with in my life.
I was scammed through Facebook to my personal bank of america of 1456.00 on January 31 2018 and it has been under investigation but now recieved a letter tell me i gave them my information to Zelle which i have never heard of until this happened all i want is my money back. It was to repair my truck which broke down and had borrowed against my life insurance. Can anyone tell me how to file a law suit on behalf of the othet people who has been done this way. has made my life miserable they changed me more money then expected and made my home hotspot open to the public my IP address from my pc desktop is open for everyone to see know that I’m not a customer i can’t get xifinity off my computer I’ve call them all they say connect your computer management which has nothing to do with it they will not remove their wifi router connections from their end and i can’t connect to my router without there logo keeps popping up on my pc what can i do.
I’m tired of these people calling saying us government is given u free money but u have to call another number then go put money on a card and send to these forigners…unbelievable
YouTube has made a false defamatory accusations that I have cyber bullied on their platform which is a lie. They have terminated my account which has led to Google disabling my email which is related to my business. Google email is current re instated. YouTube is terminated. They publish that my account broke Guidelines which it never did. If they want to arbitrarily terminate me I feel they should have that right as a private company. At the same time their accusations are false, defamatory and therefore slanderous/libelous. Further the interference with my email second to false accusations impedes the free market and business by both access as well as public defamatory published information regarding my character.
We have to call every 1 to 2 years to NEGOTIATE a lower rate, this is very annoying and time consuming. Comcast knows they have their customers locked in and they take advantage of us and the elderly because they know that not all Sr. Citizens have the patience to call, hold, and negotiate so they just pay. Comcast/Xfinity please do the right thing. We have paid over $200 a month for our service, never been late.
Comcast/Xfinity is a rip off. We were supposedly in a 2 year contract (verbal) because never received a copy of the 2 year contract. The price increased by $3.00 in less than 2 years and when we called they said oh your special expired, it had only been 1 year. They said there was nothing they can do since we have been customers since 1991. They said our promo expired and they did not have anything else, this came from the “loyalty” department. We said we will cancel w/ comcast and go to ATT, the representative said we will need to pay an early termination fee! This is bad business and unacceptable. How do I file a class action lawsuit?
For at least 4 years Xfinity/Comcast has padded my bill -( last month doubled it.)
Usually our bill is about 155.00/mo (give or take a little) yet, – even after showing the invoice to Comcast – they had added a sports package and HBO – they deleted it on the computer while I was there but the next bill still had the double bill. God please help!! I am so close to kicking Comcast way down to the curb –FOR GOOD!! It never stops
I bought 4 cans of Chicken Of The Sea Tuna to make tuna salad for my family’s dinner. Well about maybe an hour past after dinner we were playing revolving door tag for the bathroom
IT’S a good thing we have 2 bathrooms or other would have been a lot of vomit,diarrhea to clean up. But for 2-3 days I missed work, kept my kids home due to cramping and pain and chills.
Synchrony bank does this with care credit also. Been fighting that one as POA for someone else.
When I worked at an electronics factory in Pennsylvania, we made products with capacitors we called DTF’s. Basically, Designed To Fail. If someone bought one with a 1-year warranty, they got caps that would likely last about a year. If they bought the 5 year warranty model (same inside, different name), we put in the good caps that last a lifetime. The longer warranty models cost about $100 more. Other than the 18-cent capacitors, there was absolutely no difference inside. Everything is pretty much a scam. Sorry! NOTE: We weren’t making Samsung TV’s, but I’m sure it’s the same type of capacitors causing them to fail when the warranty runs out.
Dish network has magically disappearing promotions like unlimited Century link internet and the Ultimate Football Package for $41.00. And when you call to cancel they tell you that promotion expired but they have another one and if you sign up for automatic bill pay your bill will be even cheaper. Seven months later when you can’t get food at the drive thru and find out it’s a result of not getting any emails about the $97.00 per month they’ve been stealing from your bank account for the prior seven months.
Why do samsung t.v. s go dark on one side as soon as warranties goes off. They need to be sued, for selling junk.
I just purchased chicken of the sea tuna, 5oz can (3). I ate approximately a tablespoon and got extreme gastrointestinal distress,primarily diarrhea,cramping, chills,and malaise. After 2 +days of this and thinking of everything I’d eaten, I Googled the tuna and it came up as recalled. Specific sell by date,etc… It listed the reason for recall as the tuna tuna being improperly cooked and the the possibility of pathogens and/or bacteria in product. Can I do anything? Having been in the medical field I know how dangerous this could have been,perhaps even had I ingested more.
need a class action on synchrony bank for old navy.
they never mail you a bill then sell your debt to a collection agency.
there are over 70 complaints so far that i can find.
Wells Fargo has violated Tenants rights in Maryland. Does anyone have a handle on dealing with them?
Ocwen has been doing illegal foreclosures and incorrect servicing. Where is the Enforcement?
Please let me know as well. I too am a victim and just recently switched to ATT Uverse. I was told I had a 1 year contract and will have to pay at $50 fee for early termination. I tried to explain that I only agreed to their service because I was told I did not have to commit to any contract and could cancel at anytime, the service representative insisted that I did have a contract and was subject to the fee. They are a ripoff! Let’s start a class action lawsuit against them and put them out of business!
Companies don’t pay. You can claim on IRS taxes as deduction if you meet certain conditions
Of course I filed claim or they would not have told me I qualified. Are you stupid?
Freaking rite aid store mgr 2008 settlement only got 53 bucks what the hell for 3 years working there plus overtime i did over 40 hrs really!!!!!!!!!!
It sound like a LEMON I would have taken it back to the dealer. We work hard for our money. And to save to get a new car that is a LEMON is a shame. Check the lemon law.
I have a 1999 Pontiac grand am se 108,000 miles from 1999- 2004 these cars have a security anti-lock system when it lock up you have to wait 8-12min before you can start your car. I have been in 2 situations where it was really scary and my car would not start. I just want them to fix it. GM. I called one of their dealers to see if they could fix it. 160.00 just to see if they can fine the problem. and if I let they do the work 160.00 is subtracted from the bill. What ever that would be. In the manual it says that to your local GM dealer. I guess to get charged up. over 270 people have had this problem, and have paid dearly and still have this problem.
I have written GM Corporation. They written back and said we have been trying to contact you etc. But I never wrote my number on the corespondent. So how can you call? It was a generated letter they just added my name.
Went to Strack and Van Til in Munster Indiana and purchased Grand Biscuits. The sale sign advertised 2/4.00 making it 2.00 a piece, however the original price not on sale is 1.99 each. Not only was it not on sale but they upped the price 1 cents per can. 2 without being on sale would have been 3.98, not 4.00. I told someone in the store and they let me get 2/3.00, however if I hadn’t noticed that (which I’m sure they were hoping ) I would’ve just paid 2/4.00 thinking I was getting a sale.
Someone needs to sue INTERFACE MODELING AGENCY that was located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. They ripped alot of people off. not only in MD, BUT alot of other states. In Gaithersburg they took alot of money from people . promising ,perfessional pictures. modeling jobs, etc. They took the money and closed and locked the doors. Had all phones disconnected. They approached us in a mall about my grandson. I have read other stories from people that paid hunderds of dollars and got nothing for their monies like me. Something needs to be done about them. They are still advertising the Gaithesburg office. If you type their name in for MD it comes up. I hate the fact that they are steady clocting monies from people and ripping them and getting away with thousands of dollars.
I purchased a new 2014 Ford Focus (in 2014), Had transmission issues from the beginning. One CLUTCH was replaced, after awhile I had the same slipping and grinding. Took it back to dealer, they RESET and I was told there wasn’t anything more that could be done. BUT NOT TO WORRY. I was told that FORD was going to get in touch with me and will send me compensation. !!! Also I was told to watch my mail for notifications.. Still haven’t heard a word. Possibly their way of shutting me up. Don’t really understand IF I qualify for this Class Action Suit ????
T-Mobile: I tried to switch from Verizon to T-Mobile last fall. They sent me a SIM card that would make the change, but it didn’t work because I have an Android phone and it is a known issue with Android phones (I have a Droid Turbo 2). As a result, I informed T-Mobile and never used the service (couldn’t since the phone couldn’t be programmed for T-Mobile service). Now I’m being pestered by a collection agency for not paying for one month worth of service! When I went to a T-Mobile store, they told me *I* had to deal with it, not them! I tried to do it myself, but every entity I called gave me a round around and I ended up right back with T-Mobile saying they couldn’t do anything!
American Express Financial swindled over $5,000,000 from me from bad investments from 1999 thru 2005
I would love to know the answer also.. Comcast has done the same thing to me!
my name is marcy marie Valenzuela, I cant log in. and I had did a ftc report for identy theft, where they been responding to my emails and rerouting my mail to other addresses. my aunt had opened credit carma with my info and receive 7 banks that owed me money with credit carma. also have fresno police reports also.
How to file a lawsuit against COMCAST/XFINITY for breaching my 2 year contract which ends on July 14, 2018.
My July 14, 2016 contact states a monthly payment of $79.00 for 2 years. It keeps increasing and as of now it is at $172.00 a month. I have contacted them in person, with no help. I am not sure what my options are and/or who to contact to get the help I need. I found this site and thought maybe I could get some answers, advice and support. It will be greatly appreciated. NOTE: I have never filed a lawsuit before, so; I would need step-by-step instructions to follow through and proceed with this in the correct manner. Thank-you!
I was suppose to have my money on my american express car
Is there any lawsuits for prolonged use of depo-provera?causing osteperosis?
Babies usually lose hair so I’m guessing it probably wasn’t the shampoo
Are there any class action suits against Modern business solutions or River city media both for breaching millions of peoples information . They both violated me .
Experian Data breach ?
Are there any lawsuits against usxpress trucking in the state of florida
Is there any lawsuits against first acceptance insurance???
They say it’s in the terms of agreement, the tip thing. BUT when getting child support, you have a choice.
Semione prepaid visas takes an enormous amount of fees and holds your money when you eat in restaurants for “the tip”. I wonder how many people didn’t get their withheld tip back.
I would love to start a suite against adt security systems for unwanted, unwelcome animated phone calls. I receive the calls about once or twice a month and I am on the do not call registry.
I wish!! They did this to me years ago and I stopped using their service after 4 years, way past contracted 2 years
Are there any lawsuits against the auction house: Everything but the house.? They just scaled me alot
Is there a lawsuit against johnson and johnson products in regards to babies losing their hair and getting cradle cap from their shampoo? My baby has lost all his hair from their shampoo
is there any lawsuit against BSI financial
I have had that problem also. I have been double charged by them several times and I will not use them again.
MARY THOMAS, I have an I phone 6 and yes they do slow your down the use of the se phone.
Are there any lawsuits against AT&T? Their customer service is terrible, and when I finally left them after 30 years, they tried to charge me an “early termination fee”!
Can I get in on the apple iPhone law suit, I’ve bought two the 6+ and7 +
I also have this problem with RedBox. They double charge, and the reservation charges never drop. I have been charged as much as $16.xx for 2 movies for two nights …. This is rediculous…. I vow to not use them any more! I would love for some thing to be done!
I am having a problem with Redbox. They are consistently not refunding my deposit back to my bank account. When I return the movies they are suppose to refund my deposit within 5 to 7 days. I Called and complained and instead of returning my deposit, they offer me more free movies. I want to know if there’s anything I can do. Thank You! Polly Lever
Thank Anthony Nguyen…the extra money comes in handy to keep things going in my site on the internet
Raymond I get direct TV about 2mo go they my bill stay same but my bill went up and they cut my serve off I told them I get paid every MO but DIRECT TV LIE about every thing about sever I has dish to tell you one thing and they go up on there bill to they LIE TO
I’ve been waiting too and they blew me off
I have been waiting on my settlement money from bought milk settlement, not to good with computer. Is there a number to contact them.
These people made lots of calls; day and night.
IQ to just open a chase account last mo money come in direct on a green card and they have messed it up it’s going to take me about 2 weeks to get it
Hello, This is Robert Lantz, I put a money in the Bank and they checked it out they said it was no good, After I received a check from undercover shopping crew. I found out that this company was no good, they were fraudulent, Ever since then T could not do anything with money for three years so far. It has been a very long time to handle any kind of money.
Sorry this was a copy and paste, for rush card, I just want my money.
I’ve been trying to get another debit card to get my money, after you all shut my card down for fraudulent activities and haven’t gotten a card nor have you sent one out in over 2 weeks now. I need to speak to someone that understands English or I will be filing a complaint with the BBB, the is and the feds. I need my money now, my bills are piling up, I won’t ever deal with Rush Card again.
I had problems with Direct TV and Hughes Net accessing my bank account without my permission. The bank told me it was a bad problem with Direct TV
Can you start a class action against Uber/xchange leasing for unlawful accounting/leasing practices . they lied about helping to buy not leasing a car, what the dealer costs and their cost are thousands different. They scammed me about returning my vehicle .i paided the money and they stalled 2 days so they could put a car together that looked like mine but wasnt. just cause my car was damaged they should of not done that. when i complained they wouldnt help me they let me blame the tow yard when it was them screwing me just for money.unknowing this wasnt my car acting like they cared they didnt they took the money and gave me junk unfair. oh accounting practices are also shady t for a whole year i have been going back and forth with these people without any answers or help’no wonder they are stopping this program cause they have no clue, and are very unprofessional. help me please
Puma van lines should be on the list they have taken things from me and so many others i used them in 2015 to move to nc from tx and they. Lost my husbands ashes and 8 boxes of things i cant get back i know it to late now but i think if you have alist of dishonest companys they should be be at the top.
I was hoping if anyone had any information regarding a class-action against Care Credit and it’s mother company, Synchrony Bank. I want to do something to stop these people, from scamming people.
DirecTV had or has a promotion stating that if you sign up with for two years that you will receive a $200 visa gift card. They say it will take 3 to 4 weeks to arrive. Now three MONTHS later, nothing, nada, zip. I’m wondering if I’m not the only one and if there are any class action suits being brought against them for this.
You need to contact an attorney.
How do i go about recovering money that was fraudulently taken via atm my cards pin taken from scimmer device submitted a claim it wasinfact fraud bank said and i looked further back submitted moretransactions and another from same as the first twothat was fraud everthinh was done in timely fashion bitthry deny my claims im out over 10k it ruined my life being broke oneday discovering fraud on my account anyone can direct me
Thanks – the link now redirects to the Terminix Robocall CAL.
The link for Terminix Robocall doesnt go to the claim page. It goes to the claim for the BMW airbag.
Can you create a class action lawsuit against chase for holding all deposits in an interest account and claiming it takes 10 days to verify funds so they can make $$ off of the interest and then refusing to give you the hold policy that is currently in place.
I agree … we need to have an option for listing by date added.
Chase took my house back on 11-30-14 and got a $100.00 check from Chase telling me
this check was because they maid an error that could have extended the time on the application period. I got the check on 9-29-17. So I’m not sure of the date, it would have been for this time period. Thank you
Can you please add the ability to sort by date added? Thanks.
I would like to file a claim for Chase foreclosing to early on my home.
I would like a class action suit for vacation village timeshares…
Do I need to make an application
Whatever happen to the TV class action suit we filled out this year we was supposed to get around 250.00 per tv and haven’t receive my settlement, and also want more info on filing a lawsuit with experiern on the breach thanks
When is the 2/17/17 CA DBO suit v. Ocwen going to be sending settlements? Of course Experian info too.
how can i get into the class action lawsuit with equifax, i just heard about joining but it doesnt tell where to get the forms. i really would like to get this behind me.
Checking acct compromised, Had to cancel and get new card.
Where can I join a class action against Equifax. My debit card/checking account has been hacked!!!!
I hope someone files a lawsuit against Equifax after today’s news.
They knew about this for over 60 days and just now told the public?
I have been targeted all of my life and I am a human subject who is daily attacked by DEW’s. I have joined several Electronic harassment Lawsuit’s that went to court and won yet i am still waiting on the Award’s from those lawsuit cases. Could you please help me find my Awards for I haven’t seen a Award yet?
Mz. Donna Joy Plattner
apt 3206 Spencer St.
Omaha Ne 68111
checking to see if my phone number is on your list
World pay representative forged my signature on two accounts world pay still charged me the monthly fees debited from my checking account and after I paid Early termination fees they still charged for the monthly service after the cancellation
I want to file a class action lawsuit or be included in an ongoing one for a fraudulent account.
I also had my account closed by them due to their negligence to which they are still coming after me for. I deposited two checks, bank held for ten business days, cleared and allowed me to write and cash a check with them. Later, deposited checks bounced.
I didn’t receive a check i was a Katrina survival
I think this has happened to a lot of people Jody Hill but people are more likely to blame themselves instead of sharing their story. Honestly I think we have a really good case against Sprint IF enough people complain and get the information out to the public.
I have yet to receive a check,i guess this is a wait and see .. maybe soon ,idon’t know;;;;;;
I am a card holder with rush card and I have always had issues Goin on with them about my money on my card it’s like they are stealing your money one min u have this amount on your card then when u go back its not want u had its less but when u call them they get to talkin bout other shit trying to explain but never get to what happened to your money that was on your card
Please send me info regarding Hayward
Pool motor suit.
Thank you
I filled out 4 surveys after buying tennis shoes at Nike Outlets that promised a 10.00 coupon towards next pair of shoes. It is supposed to come via email. Never happened. I was given a number today at the Tanger Outlets in Washington PA to call and they gave me a run around. I believe this is theft by deception!!
what happen to us bank force place ins, claim filed , I have not heard nothing else
how do I file a law suit with ally air and heating and the desing of my home
You need to file a claim
When will Wii Vibe checks go out?
what is happening with Hayward pool motor suit? Received notice in December 2016 that I qualify but have never received a check.
Depends on the company policies. With that being said; check with your accountant. Mileage is usually a write off based on total mileage so keep a daily mileage log. If you qualify you can also write off some of your insurance, taxes paid for registration and possibly part of car payment…since you need a vehicle to earn a paycheck.
Aren’t company’s supposed to pay mileage, if you drive to 2 different locations for work?
Is there anyway of finding out if a Company has any pending complaints or Law Suits? I have had a cleaning business for fourteen years and my number one product was Totally Awesome. I am never sick and have never had any surgeries? until this last year. I developed Cancer on the side of my nose, I believe it was caused by the cleaner that I used .
I had the same thing happen to me with sprint. This is crazy because when I read your story I felt as if I were typing and telling my story. Almost word for word. Except that one of the “free” of items was still in its “window” to of return and they said I could take that one back to a corporate store but when I got to the store I was told the “%100 free tablet” that also raised my bill also had a $75 restocking fee. So I called the toll free number and told them how crazy it was that a “free tablet” was going to cost $75 to return it they then told me that their fee has never been $75 that it’s $35 and has always been $35 and then knocked the fee down to $15. So then the customer service representative said she felt like the employees at that store was trying to pocket a little extra cash off of my restocking fee and that she was going to have her supervisor look into that store for faulty behavior. Sprints definitely messing up!
I paid for the storage insurance then had to claim the unit leaked terribly. I was paid the full amount of the insurance limit which wasn’t 1/8 of my loss. I was paid lifetime Max per the company but has to remain in that unit no way to move it or where to move it. Still paid insurance fee every month but was not insured which then cause late fees bounced check charges blah blah. They also raised the rent 4 times 3 of which was just too my unit and I couldn’t insure it or so far any other stage unit because I’m rejected due to the claim i received which cost me everything, my stuff, chances of getting a home, etc. How is that Fair or just?
I totally understand Lori Hill. They referred to your sale as a rebate, but they told me it was free and then turned around and billed me. between the monthly bill for service and the free items it cost me over 1800.00; 507.00 for the “free” ipad and 179.00 for the “free” speaker and that is after my 303.00 bill which I paid. I put it all on credit card and my debit card so I will have a paper trail. It still took me another phone call to customer service to clean it up because I was still looking at a monthly bill of 180.00$. After another hour on the phone I finally got it all cleared up and a monthly bill of about 100.00$. I’m sure I will have to call monthly for a paper bill because they have lost all credibility and trust. There were also 3 people who were being told the exact same sales pitch (bait and switch). This is just the beginning. I am sure there will be many more like us who will experience the same outcome when they get that first bill.
They tricked me with this bait and switch rebate deal. Now I have a bad credit report and a 2000 dollar bill. Please help
These settlement amounts are not garanteed. They are calculations when they first beging. What you get out of the settlement depends on how many other ppeople were involved in the settlement. The total amount that was awarded by the courts gets divided up between everyone involved. Your $8.93 check is all you will receive from that settlement.
Someone needs to check out Sprint store locations and the “promotion” of “free” items and activating these items without the customer’s knowledge. You the customer find out what expense you will incur when you get an email about the bill at which time you will find out that the “window” to return items has expired then doubling you bill.
I have been calling every month since December to get a paper bill in the mail to see what they are charging me. Once again I did not receive a paper bill, was charged for 2 “free” items, and they linked one item to “accessories” which they never disclosed and was charged a fee for the other “free” item. The other item also became a monthly charge which was never disclosed at the time of the sale.
By the time the consumer knows what is going on they are stuck with an outrageous bill. They print no receipt at the time of the sale, there is no transparency to what is going on and they make it “verbally” sound like you are getting a “deal”.
The customer phone service that you can call to try to resolve the issues will tell you what to do, so you pay them and do it such as “go back to the store”, then the stores tell you there is nothing they can do. So, you call the customer phone service, they call the actual store and tell the consumer “they have an arrangement they can work out with you” and tell you to go back to the store. What they are doing is a total “bait and switch” which will double your bill. And there is a huge disconnect with the customer phone service you can call and the store locations.
So, I had to make an appointment and once again another full day is taken up in this mess not to mention the hours spent on the phone trying to resolve these bait and switch issues with Sprint.
I accidently selected the incorrect amount to pay on my Macy’s account online. Citi bank then trys to debit my account 3x $4500 creating multiple fees and other transactions in my account to get returned NSF. The problem I have is that I put them on notice of the issue, called them even had my bank call them to try to stop these attempts to keep withdrawing money from my account, but they didnt stop.The fees I incurred from this has been insane on both ends. This has been a nightmare, every bill I needed to pay for the past 2 weeks has been returned NSF because they keep retrying this payment. Is this legal even though I gave them plenty of notice that the payment was submitted in error?
Lap Band Surgery, which caused Pain and trouble swallowing after 3 years Lap Band was removed and Doctor stated that it was defective and it was removed.
I have another situation with Carfax. We were buying a truck from someone saying they were Carfax that was not Carfax. They took our money, but No Truck !
Hi, my name is Vickie Stewart and I was involved in the Chevrolet situation. We were driving a Hhr that was in the recall and when we got it back it was worse than what is was when we took it in. So we asked for another car. Seven days later, I was driving in a congested area and the brakes would not stop the car and I hit several cars in front of me. As we floated toward the cars in front of me, I kept telling my son that “it’s not Stopping”. When my husband tryed to find out what happened, they told him that the censor for the brakes or the air bag were not on. But they couldn’t give the paper work to prove it. So where did that leave us. We had to go bankrupted to get rid of the car. I don’t know what I’m trying to get out of this conversation, but maybe peace of mind.
i am writing about wht must be a typo I received a check from you for 8.93 as a settlement this is an awful imbarrasment to me and you. I lost my house because my bank would not work with me after begging for months to let me keep the house evenif it were never mine I would have rented it gladly. my pets are buried there,trees planted for all various occasions.When I got the notice a year ago I was expecting at least 5000.00 so my mom and I could move but in waiting she passed. I’m living in my car and sleeping in a shot up little trailer that I have to be out of in a month. I’m hoping these figures were calculated very wrongly and would please like you to fix, I am in a very desperate way, a senior citizen and would like to be able to live in a place were I can take a bath sleep in a bed and have a lift for what ever long I have left. thank you for listening and please think about this .I am patiently waiting, I hope for not long because I only have a short time. thank you.
5 hour energy has to pay out 5 million back to consumers if you’d look into that and post the claim form when you get the time. TY! for this site I love it and think it’s genius.
It is roughly the same as purchasing renters insurance. When you sign a lease you are also signing a release waiver. So the property owner does not fall responsible should your things ever be damaged or stolen. By paying the insurance your belongings are covered if say the storage building burnt down or flooded.
How can self-storage units FORCE renters to pay insurance on the contents of their units to the self-storage company? Doesn’t sound right to me? Any thoughts?
How about a business called legal aid, legal services/documents. They are based in Florida & apparently use paralegals all over the states. Prepare paperwork but don’t complete it and don’t refund money when paperwork cannot be filed. Individual has to figure it out, complete it and file it. Arizona says must be registered in Arizona to prepare legal documents. They say no, can prepare paperwork for anyone anyplace. Have 2 complaints on BBB and was told they tend to make promises they can’t keep thus many unhappy customers.
also problems with BOA, for many years. still going on.
I understand I had one in Orlando when I went to use it I was put in one of the older ones then the one I paid 250 a month for over a year then let it go back because I was being scammed by liki tiki resort in Orlando Florida
Me also, me N w indiana,,what’s the lawyers name if you would please, Thank you
I as well had major problems with BOA please tell me the attorney you are using.
Hey Tommy can you email me, please
I don’t understand this bullshit why can’t they just send us all money that’s messed up they simply take are money right out of are savings and took every dollar there was I felt like I got robbed from the bank that’s crazy now how many years whould I sit if I robbed the bank for my money back wish they would hurry up an pay me can’t wait to get this over with..
Bank of America is still lying and stalling when applying for a loan modification and I can prove it. Is there any attorney willing to file a law suit against these liars now?
I can’t wait for one to come out against the Timeshare industry for fraudulent sales practices. Biggest waste of money ever.
I’m not understanding I don’t want to sound mean but i had account with Wells Fargo and every time you turn around I was getting money taken from me ever month and I was getting overcharged every month
Is there any law suits against Wells Fargo for their abuse of customers? If so, where can I find info about that?
Kaplan university is one that needs to be looked at scamming a lot of their studenrt
im going thru the same thing with these com. im paying 20.59 % on a 2011 malibu
when do we get the money
Michigan government and shooligans credit union Fidelity insurance put insurance of 3000.00 every 6 months with inTeresa enter it in car loan after providung proof of insurane third party
yes. very much so. I am a victim. fighting them as we speak.Am considering suit myself.
Rushcard settlement? when was this?
I received a check today for $100 I was nice Christmas gift!!!
Yes thiefs I paid every month and I still owe 3000
Someone should start one against One Main Financial/CitiFinancial
Marissa i called the 800 # on the settlement site and they said checks were mailed on Dec 23rd.
What happened to the Rushcard settlement?
What ever happened to the everest university law suite i was sent a letter about my info being placed in the suite but i havent heard anything more.
what happen with the starkest settlement?
If you find out about a class action against Strayer, I would like to join in. Strayer ripped me off.
yes – willingly accept and use Citi Costco visa card with its terms/conditions. Now inquire to start lawsuit because you dont like the terms already agreed too.
Price of eggs and milk going up- wonder is we can start class action suit against chickens and cows (besides the farmers of course)
The interest rates for Chase Slate are very high. I thought there was something about that at one time anyone out there have any idea’s ?
I just got my check today about this.
What ever happened about about a lawsuit against ScoreSense? They owe a lot of people refunds, including myself!
Very Informative blog about the lawsuits of claims and settlement.
someone should start one against Penn foster as well
Want to join class action against Citi Costco visa card for very high interest charge
I am wondering when someone will start a lawsuit against Strayer University?
Western Union needs a class Action Lawsuit. They are helping Scammers from Russia, Ukraine, and many Countries to steal your money. You pay Western Union money to send to someone; Western Union only wants their Name and a Number, nothing else; they will not accept anything else, like an address, or a photo. The person can pick up the Money anywhere in the entire Country. You, the sender, never get proof that the Money was picked up, or received by anyone, or Who it was that picked up the Money. Western Union will not disclose any information even to Law Enforcement without a subpeona. There are Romance Scams now an Industry in Russia, deceiving people into sending them money for Travel, and for many reasons, where they send pictures of other people to you, saying it is them, but giving the name of the person who will pick up the Money from Western Union in Russia. This is now an Industry in Eastern Europe, and is being assisted by Western Union Company.
I thnk this is how it gets started. SOMEONE needs to do something. Their customer serivice is horrible (phone) I have lost money and jobs because they didnt believe my service was not working oroperly I had to contact the CEO to get something done. Woke up one morning after sending him (Brian) a nasty email, with a truck parked outside my door. They sat there for a couple days and finally came to me and admitted I was right. They ended up running all new lines to the house. Still didnt help with me caring for my dying mother and trying to make money so could care for her. They didnt care at all. NEVER received a $25 or what ever for them not doing their job, just an “im sorry I understand your frustration” the hell you understand my frustration. I had to stay up all hour of the night to complete my work because of the internet then get up at 630 to start the day with mom. Sadly i know that she was able to detect that frustration and she is gone now..
I totally agree!!!!!! Ain’t had cable or Internet in 3 weeks. They canceled my appointment and didn’t even call to tell me. She said well they had a mandatory meeting. I told her that’s not my fault. so now I’m still without cable or Internet for the last 3 weeks. oh by the way I’ve been talking to them for the last two months probably about 20 times and still can’t get anything resolved. I hate Comcast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish someone would start a class action against Comcast. They are the WORST company to deal with, but we’re stuck bc it’s a monopoly. I was supposed to have a house phone with my cable package, when I called for the ninth time to request they send me the correct box so that I would finally be able to have a house phone the rep said you we don’t supply phones??! Oh really duh! When she finally stopped being so nasty I said I know your not supplying the phone I need the correct cable/phone box. (I was still being charged for having a house phone!!) Comcast stinks. ?
Everytime I call Comcast to lower my bill, first they wont let you, they intentionally tell you that your better with this or that, mostly the bundle package… which now they argue and wont let me out of, but then if they do change something you get a 395.00 bill, this is the 2nd time they have done this to me in a year! Plus I have been waiting on a working cable box for 6 months, mine quit working, they sent a replacement, it didn’t work, and since has been a run around of technions appointments made and canceled and rescheduled, finally got a technician here and he didn’t have a replacement box???? So now have to make yet another appointment. I am so done with Comcast!!! What makes it worse is they are the only internet cable and or internet service in my area, which I also feel is monopolization.
The same thing happened to me. Had to pay cash to T-mobile for a past due balance and due to their admitted error when the salesman applied it to my account, it took me off my original “agreement”(contract) and now I must pay full price of phone, which is over $700. No contracts? Right
A lot of you should be taking your elementary grammar and English teachers to court. Sheesh.
i was wondering if i can file a case against el pollo loco every time i have gone there and get there chicken combo ! the chicken is pink yesterday went there ordered the 2 piece combo meal and mind you have not been since feb 2015 and i thought maybe that they would have gotten there act together guess what pink chicken saved it and downloaded a pict just in case ! i was wondering how many people like me would start a class action lawsuit at 7 to 10 dollars spent who wants pink gross slimey chicken !
T-Mobile offers unlimited text and talk but now they’re telling me that I have to pay $0.01 per minute for conference calls. Cyclones go all of the carriers are charging this fee but I found that this is not true. How can they suddenly start charging you when they say you have unlimited talk and text? I have spoken with several other people that have T-Mobile and they say they get the same recording when they try to join the conference line but other carriers like Verizon and Sprint have no problems joining and get no recording. I feel that something needs to be done because now they are false advertising when they say unlimited calls and text
Hi I’m Jason this concern and I was wanting to no how I can put a lawsuit out on rispersal and halodal and closseriel pills that I have tooken in the past them three medications all most killed me I was in ICU in the hospital with a heart rate of 45 over 15 and it has caused me to have heart trouble my heart beat does not work right now and I have stress and hurt in my legs and hands now it causing me to have liver problems my body takes a long time to get over sicknesses my umeune system is real weak I’ve been suffering from this for years now can class action settlement help me onputting a lawsuit on the doctors and the pill iindustries thanks if you can it would be great if you could help ???
T Mobile needs to be investigated. They lost my lg v10 a month ago. That I paid cash for and won’t send me a phone or reimburse me the money. And now they have gone and messed with my payments so I won’t qualify for a free upgrade.
Verizon’s fiso network need be investigated false advertising they charged customer for charge not moving in the states they work in .
I have been sold cashier checks with the promise from the bank that the cashiers check can be used immediately. Instead, the checks have been put on 7-10 day holds.this occurs even when the check is purchased at the very bank where the individual using the check also banks and funds in the purchasers account balance can be verified and the recipientsales account can also be verified. Seems like a rip off to me. Please respond
T-Mobile said since I’ve been a good customer with them for 2 years I qualify for a free phone no credit check so why are they asking me for my social security number now I can’t get a new phone because I have a credit report freeze but T-Mobile wants my social security number how can I sue T-Mobile for false advertising
I would like to know how to file a lawsuit on T-Mobile for false advertising I got a message from T-Mobile saying that I qualify for a free phone now they asked me for my social security number this is a form of credit check. now I can’t get a new phone because I have a security freeze on my credit report they want my social security.
Hi, I had Wellsfargo for about 10 years, and just last year I closed my account because of the same foolery they are suing for. I am currently relocating and wondering if i qualify for the lawsuit settlement. I have paid out so much money to Wellsfargo for insufficient funds, when the funds were there. I have constantly been on the phone with them arguing about this same thing, until finally, I said forget it and left them. I closed my account and moved on, now to know that everything i have been arguing about has come forth.
I received a post card from Well Fargo Inspection Fee Settlement c/o Garden City Group, LLC stating that I was a Class Member and didn’t have to file a claim form because I was already included in the settlement. Is this correct? If this is correct, when will I receive a settlement? Before receiving your card I sold my home. My new address is: 10309 Thrift Dr. #107, Louisville, KY 40223. My name is Atha Carter. Please let me hear from you. P.S. Claim No: 04579089 and
Control # is 1009825923. Thanks for you consideration. Atha Carter
I saw a long list of lawsuits against Wells Fargo dating back to 2011. I am an ex-account user but still have an account tied to my new bank! How could this be? I even had an attorney accompany me to branch & had meeting to insure my old accounts were completely closed out so I no longer would have any Wells Fargo accounts! My new bank shows a Wells Fargo checking account is tied into my USAA bank checking account tho!! How can I get in on lawsuit for this illegal Wells Fargo checking account?
I was wrongfully charged for utilities ans when I complained the bank confiscated my debit card and credit card and said I was using my account in a bad manner and closed all of mine and exhusband acount I am still trying to get my utilities on and it was money that should have been drawn on a sufitiant funds account. Joy Guillemin 1419 Rodeo Rd North Platte Ne 69101
You are correct. My husband is a loan officer and the criteria is and has proven to be a disaster for the economy. They just figured out that medical bills should be excluded.
I want to know how to file a lawsuit suing Samsung Galaxy for taking up most my phone data without my permission.
Hi Natalie:
I was reading through the comments and saw yours. Was the bank Wells Fargo? I had the DA in Los Angeles get in touch with me because Wells Fargo had done exactly what you described. In my case, my credit report showed a “hard inquiry” by Wells Fargo- which baffled me. I called Wells Fargo and was told that it was “policy” NOT to explain the credit inquiry on my account. I closed my account immediately- and have been pissed off at Wells Fargo ever since. Since I had closed my account I wasn’t as useful to the DA’s case against Wells Fargo, but I do know that they were being investigated for doing exactly what you described. Perhaps other banks are doing the same. The DA explained that maybe managers or other employees were improperly opening accounts and perhaps loans also, on existing customer accounts (without the customer’s knowledge) to meet their monthly quotas. Hope that helps.
Hi Simon,
Hope that you find the info you need. I too have had all sorts of issues with AT&T (e.g., they shut off our phone and internet for 2 weeks for no reason when we exercised our option to stay on our existing plan rather than switching to their heavily pushed “U-Verse”. We wish we had options other than AT&T in our area. Hope that you post again to fill us in on your progress.
My guess is that you are using a Samsung phone right? You need to change the settings on your phone to stop adds. Some adds come in from apps. If you check your settings and still have trouble, visit your phone company for help.
The company policy itself is fraud. Call a lawyer to start a class action lawsuit against them. You can’t start one here. If you feel ANY company is committing fraudulent business, than you are entitled to sue.
Issue with ATT. They claimed that they installed services in my residence back in 2013. I have been fighting with them and the took me to collections. Several times I have talked to associates and managers that said they figured out where the problem could have been and that am good and should not worry about it just to received another bill. I have put in over 150 hrs trying to settle this since I said I never had the services and so I should not pay. This is now in my credit and have been trying to figure out how this can get resolved and removed on my credit. I heard about an ATT lawsuit last week on the news but cannot figure out what TV news channel that was.
Any one with tips on how I can get this resolved?
I am sooo done with ATT i dont even talk to them.
you can reply on my email..
Mad client.
Nothing is free.
A bank without customer knowledge opened a personal loan. When the bank was confronted about it they closed the account without any objection. Would they have to check credit history for that? Is this considered unlawful practice and can be taken to court?
It’s not Fraud, It’s company policy. Don’t argue, be understanding, friendly & ask for a manager, all about customer satisfaction
It happened to me twice, the item / receipt was almost 2 & 3 yrs old. I asked to talk to a manager, she was very pleasant and told the cashier to refund the original price I paid. The cashiers are trained by Kohls corp. office to follow their rules. It’s all about customer satisfaction.
if you have a receipt – then its fraud .
I think that the whole credit area is a farce based on outdated criteria…MARCO
Is it legal for Kohl’s Department stores to do the following?
A customer tries to return a product or products with a receipt. Instead of refunding the full price, they refund what the item is worth that day? I had this occur a few times and as a result of this shady business practice, I cancelled my Kohl’s card and stopped shopping at that store.
I would like to know, if it is legal for McDonald’s to constantly spam my phone with their ads? My phone service provider is Metro PCS. I’ve never had this particular problem in the past. About every 10 minutes a McDonald’s advertisement interrupts any and all internet streaming that I’m trying to watch. It’s really annoying and intrusive.
I need in on the harrasemnt and Dual tracking and false foreclosure settlement with greentree ???? anyone have any information
Hi Francis, Sorry to hear of yours and your brother’s problem. We are so screwed as consumers!! The same thing happened to me with Citibank. I have been with them for over 25 years and they raised my interest rate several years back to from 13% to 27%. After my retirement from the military in 2011 it took some time to find another job (about 4 months) which caused me to be behind paying the full amount each month. I ended-up paying $1300 a month for 3 months to get caught up (but I felt I just could not break even) and even though I got caught up they raised my interest rate to 29%. That was almost five years ago and I have made all of my payments on time and always over the min due, but they refuse to lower my interest rate. After making a $700.00 payment in June (well over the min due) $453.85 of that went towards the interest rate. At this rate, I will never get the freak’n card paid off. I have called them every few months to ask for a lower rate, but the last guy I spoke with said I was coded in the system as “not being authorized a lower rate”. What a load of crap! This just shows you how much they value their customers… paying your bills on time and being a long-time customer just doesn’t mean A THING! I guess it’s back to the shredder for me!!!
The link for the Citibank settlement is dead. After you fill out the info and click continue, it takes you to a page that says Critical Error. I tried both internet explorer, google chrome, on my smartphone and tablets.
I was also harassed multiple times a day.
did you make the charges or was your card lost or stolen?
Greentree was harassing me also . I still get notices 10 years later from them.
I am interested in filing a class action against Nordstrom Visa Signature card. I was approved for a $10,000 credit line, and due to personal circumstances I had a high balance of $8,000 on my card; however, that was not the problem, the problem was one of the vendors the previously charged my card managed to run my card since I had my signature on file, and not only were they able to run my card through Nordstom Visa Signature but they were able to charge it for an additional $10,000!! How that happened is beyond me, but should Nordstrom have declined the payment? I have disputed this with them and they state because I have a VISA SIGNATURE card that I can charge “TWICE” my credit limit…. Now why would they do that knowing I was only approved for $10,000, so here I am stuck with a debt that was not even authorized to begin with, on a card that had no credit limit. By the way, Nordstrom refuses to talk to me stating that their Visa arbitration panel has already ruled and once ruled they cannot re-open the claim.
Can someone pursue a class action lawsuit against Green Tree Financial for their collection practices? I can tell you that I was hounded day after day, and up to 20 calls in a day, even after explaining my circumstances. At one point, it was their error, but they still didn’t let up. It’s nothing short of harassment. They would call employment, cel and home. Absolutely ridiculous!!!
It does suck. I am almost deaf and they got snippy because my hearing aids can’t register onboard announcements if people near me are talking loudly.
Similar actions by another Mortgage lender, Carrington Mortgage Services. Their shoddy handling of our paperwork almost lost us our home. We almost threw up our hands and walked away from our home. I hung in and got the modification, but now it is time for another…..What to do?
I really wish I could sue Greyhound bus lines. I traveled with them in 2014 and they gave my bag to someone else due to their unorganized baggage claim where everyone grabs bags and doesn’t check the tags. one man got off the bus and took my bag. greyhound said to file a claim and I did immediately and then claimed I waited too long to file my claim and they weren’t responsible. I filed it the day I arrived to my home town. I noticed my bag was missing at the next stop because it was a transfer stop and we had to claim our bags then. everything I owned was in that bag. I was unemployed and pregnant. all of my clothing and my laptop filled with all of my sons pictures and videos and my personal info was on my laptop. I never saw a dime for reimbursement of up to $250 that is their cap. I was devastated that my priceless memories and personal info was taken away and they refused to admit fault. I will never ride Greyhound again!
We should be suing every bank on the planet as they are all frauds that have enslaved us.
I’ve read the average amount of time a person can live in a house before they actually come and kick you out is around 4 years. If that happened to me, I’d stay there free for 4 years, then file bankruptcy.
Well put Lori
B of A was made to pay money back to certain people affected by their loan processes.
Thank you RViola for your response. The idea that Homeland Security, is involved in my life in anyway…. makes me uncomfortable.” HLS” is little more than an afterthought of 9/11. A way to provide a false sense of national security. “Gold Stars” on my drivers license? Really? Certainly, that will secure real federal identification. 9/11 was a tragic oversight by our government. Al_Queda informed us they were coming. Yet, 0nce again (like w/the Japanese)…we waited for our invitation and RSVPed, before we attempted to stop the invasion. But those Little Gold Stars, they will protect the nation…Really?Again, FALSE SECURITY.
Ha! And Nation Star sold it to Bank of America after Merrill Lynch sold it to Nation Star. Never ending battle and we walked.
Same thing happened with us. 4 years of it…4 YEARS.
See the star on your license? Gold star? That is only placed on the licenses of individuals who have provided “federal real identification” to the DMV as required be the department of homeland security. The compliance is mandatory in only a few states, but will be nationwide soon.
B of A should be sued, we did not lose our home but they sold our mortgage in the process of loan modification. We submitted the paperwork 6 times and they kept saying they never received it they also did this to my brother, the other offenders are Citibank, my brother had been paying his credit card on time every month and Citibank raised his interest rate from like 7% to 29 % which increased his payment by $ 200.00 per month which he could not pay and defaulted on his credit card so now he can not even refinance to a lower rate because of the default on his credit card.
assurant renters insurance bad faith POST CLAIM UNERWRITTING
how do i see if i can start a class action law suit against iPage?
Never-ever call a bank during banking hours. Call customer service @ 9-10pm. At this hour no one is bothering them/BUSINESS CLOSED. Every bank representative has the authority to replace your overdraft fees. You must find the right one. If you do not connect w/the rep that picked-up….hang up. Call back. Have your story planned-out. -Why you overdrafted….-Why you cannot afford it. -Why you love the bank. Dig Deep….Its’ your cash. Good luck. I am telling you the TRUTH.
Recently, I had to renew my drivers’ license in Florida. A new, periodic requirement, by the state. Not a penalty due to any “loss/suspension of my license”. In doing so, I had to provide court documents that explained why my last name was not the same as my birth last name. As a 2 time divorcee (just cannot get it right), I had to contact 2 other states and pay location & administrative fees that amounted to $210.00. (Not to mention the tedious time consumption involved) I could not help but feel disadvantaged for being female. Although it is not legally mandatory, that a woman take her husbands’ last name, it is customary/traditional and, often a way to simplify and qualify,documentation for financial, legal, and familiar(especially w/ children) identification. Yet, a man in Florida, regardless of his number of marriages, is not “coming out of pocket”, to simply renew a state required drivers’ license obligation. $210.00, for me, is alot of money….regardless of the importance of the responsibility. This financial obligation, suffered by females, inaccordance with Florida State guidelines, for self- transportation, seems deliberately slated for the disadvantaged women that accepted her husbands’ last name. In my case, and many others, more than once. Am I wrong?
u shouldn’t have paid something u didn’t have money to pay.. disabled or not…we all fall on hard times…i get that but that was ur fault u paid something u didn’t have money for not the bank
was it a check (did it have a check number,have to be filled out) or was it a Debit card transaction
if it was a check the can,will and do charge you fees. iF IT WAS A DEBIT TRANSACTION WITH OUT OVER DRAFT, The banks charge a fee and most people pay it even though it is illegal. Refuse to pay the fee and demand they credit any and all fees they have charged back to 2011. Show them this,and ask for a copy of the documents you signed.when you hit the wall they throw up us the cointact info below to light a bonfire under their butts.
Under what circumstances, can the bank charge me an overdraft fee for paying a one-time debit card transaction?
Banks may assess fees for paying an ATM or a one-time debit card transaction if the following conditions are met:
“The bank provides you with written notice (or electronic notice, if you agree) set apart from all other information, describing the overdraft protection program”;
The bank provides a reasonable opportunity for you to affirmatively consent, or opt-in to the program for ATM and one-time debit card transactions;
You agree to the payment of ATM and one-time debit card transactions that exceed the account balance; and,
The bank provides written confirmation (or electronic confirmation, if you agree) of your consent or agreement and includes a statement informing you of your right to revoke or terminate your consent.
February 2011
Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Response Center – 240
600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20580
877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357)
I have had problems with PNC bank. I do not have over draft protection on my account, when a check for 238.00 came in i had 27.00 but the bank sill paid out 238.00 .This all happed on 2-3 -2016 . Becouse i am on VA disablity and my check only come on the first of each month.I will be payig over charges 32.00 for the first day and 7.00 dollares evey day untill I get my next check on 3-1-2016. When i asked the bank why they did this I was told it was one as a courtesy to me . NO IT WAS A COURTSY for the bank,the are stilling money fron a disabled VET !!!!!
SUNTRUST took $1200 in overdrafts fees, but I didn’t qualify for a $1000 loan? What vanks do is they pay the larger amounts, and then hit you with fees from the smaller about, if they pay the check for the larger amount, that means pending transactions for the smaller amounts will not clear, and the banks are laughing $36 overdraft fee a pop…help us
Is there a class action lawsuit against UPS? If not there needs to be one for sure.
Yah, There’s red lines under misspelled words, this isn’t about being educated or not. Or is it? Not educated enough to right click on the word and choose the correct one, or just lazy? Not sure. The main thing is that Bank of America really ripped people off and I mean good. I got a nine cent check. The check said 0.09. I used it to start the hot dog roast in the back yard. I wasn’t sure where it came from. I got ripped off probably over 500, yet that’s nothing to the double debits of house payments i see on B of A posts. I believe if that happened to me I’d be walking around the front of the bankers residence waiting for a personal response.
I also lost my home because of a bad BOA loan!! Law suit PLEASE!!! I lost everything! Is there any class action lawsuit against Bank of America for all the loan modifications they never got done?
If you are truly in the right, write and mail your complaint with copies of everything, description of what happened and what you want as a result of their actions…to the Comptroller of the Currency in Washington DC. See Google for their address.. They are the government agency that controls National Banks like Bank of America. I complained in writing to the Comptroller of the Currency when Wells Fargo didn’t post my payments to the “Balance” of my mortgage. They took my money as an advance payment to my mortgage. Everything was fine afterwards.
– if you do not opt in, the bank will decline your ATM withdrawals and debit card transactions at POS terminals if you do not have enough money in your account to cover the withdrawal or purchase. If you do not opt-in but the bank pays an ATM or POS item when your account is overdrawn, the bank cannot charge you an overdraft fee. SIMPLE AS THAT.
Carol, does it matter? Educated or uneducated people deserve to be treated fairly. My guess is you are one of the people that feel the under educated people do not deserve the same treatment as the highly educated. People like you are disgusting. Yes, I can spell and yes I am educated in many aspects of life. What gives you the right to dismiss someone that has suffered tremendously because her spelling isn’t up to par? You are a troll!
I have bank of America checking and saving account , im so sick of this bank , Theres always for some reason over draft fees and then they charge me service fee always when they want .. Im going to close the account … Bank of amercia sucks!!
Bank of America arbitrarily decided they would automatically put through any transaction on my debit card. This was a business account. I was suddenly $870.00 overdrawn. I asked why they decided to approve transactions when there were not funds. ( I bought several $2.-10.00 items) I assumed my card still had money on it or the transactions would have been declined. I was told it was because I was a good customer. I refused to pay these daily compounding charges because I had never agreed to go into $35.00 dollar debt per pack of gum. I did not agree to change the terms of my account. I now have bad credit and can’t open a bank account. Several people have told me the same thing has happened to them. How can this be legal? I want to sue.
Can you spell?
I would like to know if there is a suit against anyone who had their employees work with super glue,scotchgard,fiberglass and teflon during the 1970’s my lungs are effected by this work environment.
meso law suit, please
I know Bank of America is a Predatorial lender through their credit card flyers. They promise one thing and always deliver the total opposite even to creditors in the 700-800 credit score. LET’S do something, anything to stop these PREDATORS111
has there been a class action suite against Gold Bond talc powder and also baby powder?
There was a class action suit against 5/3 a couple years ago for over charging. I got a settlement check for about $175.
Looking for any action against ford Motor company ? They had a recall on 2001 expedition. Look for any information
I was denied my claim because they say I filed twice…i did not file twice, and am entitled to my claim
Cully white class action lawsuit
if you find anything about bank of america would you please let me know,my son went thru the same trhing and now cant buy another ouse for ,I dont know how many years thank you so much
I like to know if anyone out there knows if there is any lawsuit pending and if I can qualify for that settlement against Bank of America. I lost my house to forclosure after making many attempts to modify my loan during the period of 2007 to 2014. Please some one let me know at thank you and God bless
I have been waiting as well. The judge approved the settlement July 29th. And it will take up to 2 months to receive monies by check if your loan is paid up with Midland, and if not, monies will go into escrow.
How do I check to see if a settlement was made from Citi Mortgage on my property, filed by my attorney ?
I received documents for the Ocwen Class Action lawsuit but I have not received any other notice, documents nothing, I do have a claimant ID # my question is how or when will I know that I will receive
a credit or cash award ?
there should be. because of that medicine I had a really bad esperience. and spent a night in the hospital
why, isn’t that for blood pressure
Last yr i filed w/cosumer affairs against my bank 5th/3rd that took $200 from my direct deposit over a bank feature they since removed but refuse to give my money back! Im sick of this bank!
I submitted the information needed for the midland mortgage lawsuit as they sent me a statement and confirmed I was eligible for my fraud refund…… how do they plan on refunding me and WHEN ?
I am a class member of the Mercedes Class Action Settlement and I meet all the requirements , can I request a cash payment and take my car to any authorized Dealer ?
My mother kept sending money for lottery winnins by green dot ….any information on this?
Any class action lawsuits regarding lisinopril
hire a lawyer sue them for i.d. theif… they gonna pay for it till it hurt..
OMG!!!! Me too. I am expecting a deposit and they keep saying they don’t have it!!!
I would like to know that as well!
Is it to late to file à claim on citibank mortage they wrong me as well.
Green Dot!!! They took my money an will not give it back!!! I want something done immediately!!! I am not able to pay my bills because they’re holding my money hostage and I’ve just learned that they possibly sold my information(social, date of birth, etc.) With other people which breaches their contract!!! Something needs to get done NOW!!!
Jess, if you want to stop the calling contact the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau they really do work for us the consumer and they get results!
I doo not have that problem but with nationstar mortgage.
One big problem is Midland Mortgage. I did a loan modification with them and then the mortgage company sends me a letter stating that I must sign everything again because the court house didn’t accept it. I checked with the court house it was because the mortgage company didn’t submit the paperwork on time and when I went through the paperwork I noticed some amounts were different. Now even though I haven’t missed one payment Midland mortgage continues to call me at least 1-2 a week for these documents. I feel harassed. Does anyone else has issued with Midland Mortgage Company.
I also have this problem
I used the Capital One Bill payer service to pay several of my bills. The bank provided me with a due date and failed to pay the bill by that date, resulting in the cancellation of four insurance policies totaling nearly $400,000. I sued in the Eastern District of Louisiana. The case has withstood a Fed. R. Civ. P., Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss by Capital One. (Civil Action No. 14-2772)
The problem arises that Capital One wrote a check on 12 December; the payee received the check on 17 December; and, the check was cashed on 21 December. What happened to the interest on the money from December 12-December 21? In my estimation, Capital One deliberately uses this practice to earn profit.
I would like to convert my lawsuit into a class action to cover all those who use Capital One Bill payers service and have a check mailed to the payee. If you are interested in joining this potential class, then hit me up at
I filed a class action against 7eleven and later 2 more representatives were signed on. Lawsuit vaslue is estimated 3 million dollars. Attorney fee 1.5 million. With remaining funds of 1.5 million what is an estimate the first class Representative will be awarded?
Just curious. Thanks
Same thing is happening to me l got hurt at work took forever for workman’s comp to kick in then 10 days later my son died I asked bank of american to help they checked out my house value found out it is worth more than I our so they said if you don’t have the 2800 back mortgage amount we are taking your house sept 1
Hi my name is Scharlene. I’m trying to get this non-profit interested in helping us to bring suit against Bank of America for stalling and declining to work with the Hardest Hit program and now a harp loan mod. Judicial Watch out of DC Good luck.
The table you provided is really interesting. Good information to have. Thanks for sharing.
thank you for sharing this table…very informative…have a nice day
I need to find a class action lawsuit against Montgomery country housing authority, the unit that I lived in had asbestos in it, when they found out management had me put out and never gave me my money back or a new unit, took me to court and lied to cover it up.
If we all stand together The big banks wouldn’t be doing this to the every day person. You dont see them messing with the 1% well there are 99% of us how do you think they would feel if there bread an butter was gone. No Bonus MONEY for the CEO and upper managment. We need to be able to give up a lot for a little while to get more in the long run. Live in a tent on government property that our tax dollars pay for stop working just stop don’t shop. I would give this a week or less and they would be ruined. Because the 1% need us to have what they got. Remember that 30.00+ dollar fee they cahrge you to pay a check or return it affords the bank to take care of the 1% people they do not pay fees because you pay them for the 1%er’s. The bank makes sure of that.
Same thing happen to me I have tried o modify my mortgage to 2% since 2005 when my husband became ill and I had to take off work as his caregiver. A Kidney transplant is a monumental task. Bank Of America should be made to help the people not hurt them.!
I thought i was the only one having this problem I have been trying to get in the modification program with BOA since november put they are giving me the run around about paperwork not recieve but was submited the article about the loan modification from the whistle blowers (former employees) is true this money has been given to the banks to help peoples like us. thst they are holding on to !!!!
Wow, same story as mine, sorry to hear.
Hi! All, well BAC got me also, foreclosed in 2011. I was told I did not qualify for any programs like Make Home Affordable. Large amt of equity taken, everything.
WAMU is now CHASE and I’m still getting screwed ten ways from Sunday any way they can. I don’t see a class action listed in the list on this site. I know they just settled one that I got a whopping 54 cents from. Are there any others open on them? If not, I’m definitely starting one, then taking my business to a local credit union. F these big banks!!
I’m a Real Estate agent in Southern California and was foreclosed on in the middle of a modification…Not to mention I owed 239,000. and my home was at a market value of 540,000. I strongly believe I was foreclosed on because I had equity. Not one red cent was handed to me shame on these banks! We bought our house in 2002 for 333,000 with 20 percent down interest was at 6 percent going rate then…Because of the mortgage fraud my business suffered tremendously making us fall behind on our payment. we sold a rental and came current yet the bank raised our 1690. a month payment to 4002. a month mind you we were on a 30 year fixed rate…I asked the bank for a loan modification just wanted a lower rate and lower payment. I feel taken advantage of I’m 50 years old and have no retirement thanks to Citibank. Is there anything I can do to receive my equity at the least?
This is/has happened to so many people, including us, across the country!! We are waiting to see if we are getting our house back. They NEVER gave us even a slip of paper during the eviction process…just “get out”! There has been a total renovation of our home, but they are unable to sell it thanks to our attorney! SOMETHING needs to be done to stop this raping of the middle class in our country. If we could make a collective noise enmass, maybe this would stop!!
Hi all. This very same thing happened to me. The eleventh hour and all was looking well, or so I thought, then they switched it all up on me claiming they were suddenly missing one of the documents they needed. I could not get a straight answer out of anyone and every time I spoke to someone it seemed as thought I was explaining everything to them for the first time. Horrible experience. I lost my house and I truly wish there was something we all could do about this.
Not only are the banks doing it, so are the credit unions. When I have enough funds in the bank it takes approximately a week for my rent to clear but if not enough funds, my rent or any other checks are sent through in 1 to 2 days.
Hey Troy. same thing happened to me but I lost my home. I finally had to try a short sale. BOA approved a 124,000 and I got a bid for 154,000…jumped through a lot of hoops and waited for 2 weeks for BOA to approve and they let it slip aside, I lost the home and they ended up selling it later for 100,000. I’m going after them, but don’t know where to begin. have you had any luck
Am I the only one that has been screwed y citibank/sears? Had a person pitch home improvements products, never did any of the work. This was in 2008 beginning of 2009. Now having wages garnished for something was never done and I can prove it.
Bank of America cheated me out of the Making Home Affordable program. They did the bait and switch at the 11th hour, and now lie to me and the MI AG that I did not return paperwork to them. however, if I completed their trial payment program successfully like I did, they obviously received all of the paperwork. Now they have me stuck in an in house modification that they know I cannot afford. It is an ARM, and the payment will be $700 more a month than it was suppose to be under the program guidelines. Thanks for screwing me and thousands of other Bank of America.
Yes, realize this; US BANK, WELLS FARGO, WASHINGTON MUTUAL, Bank of America, WAMU are all doing this same things for fees, scamming me, I hope others will contest!
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Why are you reposting ones that are noted as expired?
It came in today
Im interested in when should we expect to recieve our
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