Find new Chase Premier Checking bonuses and promotions here. Get your Chase Coupon to apply today!
You can now open a Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM online or in-branch for a $300 bonus with direct deposit.
If you’re on the edge of deciding between the Chase Total CheckingSM account and this account, I personally prefer this account due to the additional benefits and features although both offer fantastic sign-up bonuses.
All you need to do is simply go to the promotional link and choose to either apply online or input your email to receive the Chase coupon code, then take it in branch to open your account. Simple as that!
The Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM account comes with free Chase Debit Card, free Online Banking and Online Bill Pay, free Mobile Banking, free Account Alerts, and free access to 16,000 Chase ATMs and nearly 4,900 branches.
If this offer and account interests you, retrieve your Chase Coupon today and apply!
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Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM Account Bonus Coupon
Open a new Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM account online or in-person to earn $300 bonus. Must have direct deposit within 90 days. It’s simply one of the best bank offers from Chase. Pair this account with the Chase SavingsSM account.
- Account Type: Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM
- What You’ll Get: $300 Bonus
- Availability: Available online nationwide except in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. For branch locations, visit
- Credit Card Funding: You can fund up to $500 with a non-Chase credit card towards the opening deposit
- Credit Inquiry: Soft Pull, which does not affect your credit
- Minimum Opening Deposit: $0
- Direct Deposit Requirement: Yes, see here for options.
- Monthly Service Fee: $25 monthly fee can be waived, see below.
The information for the Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM account has been collected independently by HustlerMoneyBlog. The product details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the bank.
I have been using the Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM and would recommend it the most. This account has a bunch of other perks and benefits. You get no-fee Chase design checks and no annual rent for a small safe deposit box.
Enjoy some extra account features plus you can use non-Chase ATMs fee-free up to 4 times each statement period. Just make sure you can meet the monthly requirement(s) to waive the service fee.
Enter your email now to receive a Chase coupon code to open an account.
How To Earn The $300 Bonus
- You can open online for the Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM Account. If you prefer to open in-branch, be sure to use the offer page to print out a personalized coupon.
- Have a direct deposit made to this account within 90 days of account opening. There is no specified minimum direct deposit amount.
- After all requirements are met, you’ll receive the bonus deposited into your account within 10 business days.
You must do AT LEAST ONE of the following each statement period to avoid the Monthly Service Fee:
- Option 1: Keep an average daily balance of $15,000 or more in any combination of qualifying Chase checking, savings and other balances; OR,
- Option 2: Have automatic payments to your qualifying linked Chase mortgage from your Chase account.
- Offer not available to existing Chase checking customers, those with fiduciary accounts, or those whose accounts have been closed within 90 days or closed with a negative balance.
- You can receive only one new checking account opening related bonus every two years from the last enrollment date and only one bonus per account.
- Bonus is considered interest and will be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT (or Form 1042-S, if applicable).
- If the checking account is closed by the customer or Chase within six months after opening, Chase will deduct the bonus amount at closing.
Notable Account Benefits
Planning ahead can be tough, but these account features will help you save.
- Save Your Money
- The $25 Monthly Service Fee is waived when you keep an average beginning day balance of $15,000 or more in any combination of this account and linked qualifying Chase checking, savings and other balances.
- No fee for Chase design checks when ordered through Chase.
- No Chase fee on first four non-Chase ATM transactions per statement period.
- Earn interest on your checking account balance.
- Safeguard Your Valuables
- No annual rent for a small safe deposit box (subject to availability).
- Chase Liquid® Card(s)
- Perfect for everyday use. Enjoy no-fee reloads, directly from your smartphone.
- No Monthly Service Fee on your Chase Liquid Card for Chase Premier Plus Checking account holders.
Chase is committed to making day-to-day banking as convenient as possible.
- Convenient Locations
- Withdraw cash at one of our 16,000 Chase ATMs.
- Access account information and banker guidance at one of the branches.
- 24/7 Account Access
- View account activity, transfer funds and more using the Chase Mobile® app or on
- Deposit checks from virtually anywhere, anytime, just by taking a photo with our Chase Mobile app.
Whether you keep track of the funds at home or at work, this account can help you manage.
- Pay Bills
- Save time: Use your Chase Mobile® app to add payees, schedule payments, and view account activity on the go.
- Pay bills conveniently: Use Online Bill Pay for rent, mortgage, utilities, credit card bills, car payments, and other monthly bills.
- Mobile and Online Access
- Easily track all transactions made from your account with the Chase Mobile app or online.
- Stay updated on account activity with text alerts.
Alternative Chase Options
Bottom Line
Open a Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM today to enjoy what Chase has to offer! Compared to the Chase Total CheckingSM account, Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM account offers quite a few additional features, including no fees for the first 4 withdrawals at a non-Chase ATM per month, earning account interest, and no fees for Chase checks. Combine this offer with the Chase SavingsSM!
The bonus is one the checking account offers on the market – so if you can consistently meet the requirements to waive the monthly fee this account carries, you’ll benefit from one of the best checking accounts available from a highly reputable bank.
Keep in mind that this bonus will be considered interest and will be reported to the IRS via IRS Form 1099-INT.
In addition, this bonus promotion is not available to existing Chase checking customers, those with fiduciary accounts, or those whose accounts have been closed within 90 days or closed with a negative balance!
*Check back often for the latest Chase Premier Plus Checking coupon offers throughout the year.
would a financial institution to financial institution be considered as a direct deposit?
Hi, I see the bonus for Chase Premier checking is $300, but I can not get the $150 saving by it self, it only send me the $350 checking and saving combine, is that the max they offer now?
I live in Massachussetts. We dont have Chase branches here. However, I do see that Chase accounts can be opened online these days.
Do they approve accounts with address in MA?
I dont want to get rejected in the process and reported to ChexSystems.
Hey I did this and I just see the money from my job not the 200 more can you tell me when will I get the money
Sorry that would not work for us. Any others?
I am looking for a good bonus sign up & % free for 15 months or more. I have a credit score over 800. Can you suggest 2 or 3 cards that would meet our needs. Could even be a card for a small business Cattle or not. Thank You for your help.
Hi Bruce,
The requirements that you’re wondering about the Chase Premier Plus Checking is listed below, thanks for being a reader!
Direct Deposit Requirement: Yes(employer payment or government benefit count as DD).
Monthly Fee: $25. To have this waived, you must have an average daily balance of $15,000 or more or automatic payments linked to a qualifying linked Chase first mortgage
I got a $300 new checking account bonus offer in the mail 2 weeks ago but lost it. It required 2 direct deposits or more within 90 days. Do you know if this acct required a monthly charge or minimum amt in the acct or is it too late?
Hello Liz,
Do you have any special promotions for chase total business checking account right now?
Thank you,
Is the direct deposit on this still $500? That’s what it was before just wanted to confirm
You can receive only one new checking account related bonus each calendar year and only one bonus per account.
If I closed this account over 90 days ago but I received the bonus in May 2016 – Can I get it again?
Is it a 1-01-16 thru 12/31/16 Cycle or a 12 month cycle from when I opened it in April 2016?
Karthik, I apologize for the inconvenience but the offer is available nationwide. Since your zip code is more than 50 miles from the nearest Chase bank, the online application will not work. I called Chase customer service to verify the details and they informed me that you can still apply for the product but you’ll have to visit a branch to apply. Your address will not affect the in-branch application. Thanks for voicing your concern!
Looks like this offer is not Nationwide, I live in Omaha, Nebraska and I’m getting the following message for my zip code “Unfortunately, we don’t offer this product in your area right now.”
Please update the Availability with states who can avail this offer and can save time.
First rule on bank and credit card bonuses: Read the fine print, CSRs don’t know anything.
I’ve gotten this bonus every January for the past 3 years and I’m about to do it again. It’s per CALENDAR year, not the last 12 months.
I clicked on “Chase Premier Plus Checking” link, but the application opened up as “Chase Total Checking”, isn’t Total Checking only offering $250 bonus?
No problem Maria. I’m glad my you and your daughter are taking advantage of this bank bonus. Please help us by telling your friends and family about our website by sharing this page on your social media.
I opened account in florida middle of may and and had my first deposit from social sec this week in june and found out in mail new bonus of 300 for total checking though chase am i able to utilize new bonus i didnt know. My daughter just did and she received the new bonus cause was within 30 days and had first deposit through job. Thank you.
I applied for this thinking that according to the fine print, as long as you didn’t have a Chase account within the last 12 months that you would be eligible. WRONG. If you have EVER had a Chase checking account they will not give you this bonus. It is for completely new customers only. I applied in person yesterday and was told this by the banking rep 🙁
Can you apply to this premier account if you have an existing checking account with chase?
Not good in Nashville…..
“This product is no longer available for the ZIP code you entered.”
I cannot remember when I closed my chase account. Anyone knows whether the cs be able to tell me whether I am already eligible for this promotion?
Can I get the bonus for open a checking account in my name and have my wife’s payroll direct deposit in my account?
Call customer service or visit branch
We opened two of these Checking accounts. I did a Serve deposit of $515 to one and a Paypal of $517 & Bank of America of $516 to the other. They all showed up as ACH, but only the Serve triggered the bonus. I then have been trying to send a Serve deposit to the other account but it keeps saying that the transaction was declined. The first time I did all the money I had in there, then I did $500 only, then $500 and $10 (only the $10 went through), and now $50 and $25. Waiting to see on those. I’m running out of time, so I hope the $10 is enough to trigger the bonus. I don’t understand why it’s being declined. Has anyone else heard of this?
How did you change the account type after getting the bonus? Can you do it online or did you have to call?
I believe the question asked was meant to be whether or not 2 separate direct deposits….say for example one for $350 & another for $300 will qualify as the minimum deposit of $500 since it’s occurring from 2 different transactions??
I did change my product type from premier to total checking after getting $300 bonus, no question asked.
can you change type of accounts after receiving bonus but not cancel?
I opened a chase checking in june of 2015 and later in the same week I was mailed the 150$ promo. At this point disappointment and anger were my initial feelings, but with a calm and ignorant attitude I called customer support and explained my unfortunate situation. And to my supprise I was greeted by a unfriendly and blatently rude awnser that implied this was all nothing less than my own fault for not asking about the promo when I opened my account up in June, and there was nothingthey could do for me. So I don’t know what citi is like with customer relations but if they are not as good as chase, well yea…….that speaks for itself in my opinion.
I opened a Chase Total Checking account utilizing the $300 Checking/$200 Savings Account coupons I received in the mail. Now in my fourth week with Chase and three direct deposits later, I still have not had the $300 appear in my account. Today, I went into the branch where I opened the account to speak with my personal banker as to why I have not received the funds. Unfortunately, he was out of the office until Monday. Another bank representative looked into my account and told me that he did not see any coupons entered for this promotion. I am positive that I brought the coupon to the bank and surrendered it when I opened the account. Am I going to get the $300 from the bank as advertised?
I’d advise you to contact them and explain just as you did here. I had a similar situation with Citi and they resolved it with no issue. In my experience, Chase customer service is actually much BETTER than citi, so I would be surprised if they didn’t help you out… just my $0.02!
Any new version of the $300 total checking?
I opened a CHASE total checking account that offered me a $300 bonus if set up and have a direct deposit made into my account within 60 days. I was wondering what happens if my first direct deposit hits my account AFTER 60days. Two glitches were responsible for the delay. I forgot to sign the consent form and was notified by my employer by mail. I promptly signed and resent the documents. Then some sort of delay in processing my paperwork occurred and instead of a direct deposit I received a paycheck in the mail. When I called my employer they simply said that I would be getting my direct deposits starting from my next paycheck.
Well, unfortunately that would mean that I would go over the 60 day requirement. I still have a few weeks left but I won’t get another paycheck for another month. What do you think CHASE will do? Would they be open to some sort of extension since I did do what was required in good faith. Something tells me that though that the only thing i’ll get will be maybe a few chuckles but no bonus.
They will charge you for the monthly service fee.
Question. I already received the bonus after my direct deposit went through. I know it says that if I close the checking account within 6 months, the bonus will be deducted. What happens if I stop my direct deposit to that account?
Am I eligible for this offer if I have a Savings account with Chase and a checking account which was closed >90 days ago?
how long after you set up the direct deposit does the $300 go into your account?
Agreed. I even put in the zip code of one of their NJ branches, and it told me “not available in my area”
How long after closing my account do I have to wait to open another one
Thank you. It has been updated.
Expiration date for the $300 bonus for online checking is now 1/15/2016
I second what the other people said. I couldn’t open this online chase premier in RI. I got same error not available in my area.
Are you guys sure? I believe this is a nationwide deal due to the fact that there is an Apply Online link here:
But you may be right if you don’t see it due to your geographical location/IP address.
I agree with you Ben, it would have been nice if it either the states where it was available, or was not availiable, like in NC
I believe you just have to do it once of at least $500 DD to trigger the bonus.
Monthly total or each DD?
At least $500 in direct deposit.
Is there an amount that the Direct Deposit has to be over?
One per year per person I believe. Never heard of it as per household.
Is this one per year per household or per social security number? Thanks!
This website claims that this offer is a nationwide offer and makes no mention that it is not available for all states and/or locations. When attempting to apply for an account, it said that I did not qualify based on my zip code. When I contacted Chase, they recommended I go to the closest branch to my area… which is 350 miles 2 states over… Thanks Chase!
No you cannot. Only one checking and one savings per year.
Hi, I was wondering if you’ll receive separate bonuses for opening both a premier and total checking accounts?