Many of my readers have been opening multiple bank promotions over the years to take advantage of the higher interest rates or sign-up bonuses. Whenever opening a bank checking or savings account, you can get either get a hard pull or a soft pull depending on the bank.
It’s important to find out if the bank will perform a hard credit check since a hard inquiry can negatively affect your credit score and may not be worth opening the checking or savings account. Too many hard inquiries on one’s credit report can be resulted in higher loan or insurance rates.
Based on the reported experiences of the many consumers online from sites such as FicoForums, Slickdeals, CreditBoards, Flyertalk, etc, we’ll put together the most extensive list of Banks(alphabetically) on the type of inquiry they will perform whenever opening a checking or savings account.
Read more in-depth explanation for each bank bonus such as direct deposit(full list of what count), account type, expiration date, hard or soft pull, credit card funding, geographical restrictions, additional bonus requirements, and early closure fee.
What Is A Hard Inquiry (Hard Pull)?
- These inquiries DO affect your credit score.
- A hard pull is an inquiry that occurs when a lender checks your credit report to make a lending decision.
- Hard pulls can slightly lower your credit score and will typically stay on your report for two years.
What Is A Soft Inquiry (Soft Pull)?
- These inquiries DO NOT affect your credit score.
- A soft pull is an inquiry that occurs when a person or company checks your credit report as a background check.
- It’s like when you check your credit score or when you get approved for a loan from a mortgage lender.
- Soft pulls may occur without your permission but does not affect your credit score in any way.
Important: Please help us update our list with your own personal experience by commenting below. If you recently open a bank account, you can check your credit report to see if there is a hard pull or soft pull and from what credit reporting agency such as Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion.
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Top Bank Accounts Soft Pull or Hard Pull
Disclaimer: We make no promise the information below is 100% correct since banks can change their way of checking credit often. This data has been extracted from the experiences of other consumers online from trusted forums and websites when opening accounts for bank promotions.
Bank/ Credit Union | Hard Pull or Soft Pull? |
1st Constitution Bank | Soft Pull |
1st Mariner Bank | Soft Pull |
1st Source Bank | Soft Pull |
1st United Credit Union | Soft Pull |
3Rivers Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
A+ Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Achieva | Hard Pull |
ACNB Bank | Soft Pull |
Addition Financial | Soft Pull |
Advantis Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Adventure Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Affinity Federal Credit Union | Mixed |
Air Academy Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Albert Neobank | Soft Pull |
Alden Credit Union | Soft Pull |
All America Bank | Soft Pull |
Allegius Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Alliant Credit Union | Soft Pull |
AllTru Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Ally Bank | Mixed |
Altra Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Amalgamated Bank | Soft Pull |
Amboy Direct | Soft Pull |
American Airlines Credit Union | Hard Pull |
American Eagle Financial Credit Union | Soft Pull |
American Express Bluebird | Soft Pull |
American Express Serve | Soft Pull |
American First Credit Union | Hard Pull |
American Heritage Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
American Pride Bank | Soft Pull |
American United Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
America's Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Ameris Bank | Soft Pull |
Amplify Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Anchor Bank | Soft Pull |
Andigo | Soft Pull |
Andrews Federal Credit Union | Mixed |
APG Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Apple Bank | Soft Pull |
Apple Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Arbor Financial Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Ardent Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Arizona Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
Arizona Central Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Arizona Federal Credit Union | Mixed |
Armed Forces Bank | Soft Pull |
Arsenal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Arundrel Federal Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Arvest Bank | Soft Pull |
Ascend Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Ashland Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Aspiration | Soft Pull |
Aspire Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Associated Bank | Soft Pull |
Astoria Bank | Soft Pull |
Avidia Bank | Soft Pull |
Axos Bank | Soft Pull |
Ballston Spa National Bank | Soft Pull |
BancorpSouth | Soft Pull |
Bank7 | Soft Pull |
Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
Bank Direct | Soft Pull |
Bank ESB | Soft Pull |
Bank Mutual | Soft Pull |
BankOrion | Soft Pull |
BankPurely | Soft Pull |
Bank of America | Soft Pull |
Bank of Canton | Soft Pull |
Bank of Colorado | Soft Pull |
Bank of Elk River | Soft Pull |
Bank of Internet USA | Soft Pull |
Bank of Maine | Soft Pull |
Bank of Oklahoma | Soft Pull |
Bank of Texas | Soft Pull |
Bank of the West | Soft Pull |
BankWell | Soft Pull |
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
BB&T Bank | Mixed |
BECU | Soft Pull |
Belco Community Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Bell Bank | Soft Pull |
Bellco Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Benchmark Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
BethPage Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Blue Federal Credit Union | Mixed |
Blue Hills Bank | Soft Pull |
BMI Federal Credit Union | Mixed |
BMO Harris Bank | Soft Pull |
Bryn Mawr Trus | Soft Pull |
BOK Financial Bank | Soft Pull |
Bridgeview Bank | Soft Pull |
Brightpeak Financial | Soft Pull |
BrightStar Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Byline Bank | Soft Pull |
California Coast Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Callaway Bank | Soft Pull |
Cambridge Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Camden National Bank | Soft Pull |
Campus USA Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Capital Bank | Soft pull |
Capital One 360 | Soft pull |
CBT Bank | Soft Pull |
CCCFBank | Soft Pull |
CEFCU | Mixed |
Central Florida Educators Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Central Illinois Bank | Soft Pull |
Century Bank | Soft Pull |
Centennial Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
Central Bank | Soft Pull |
Charles Schwab | Hard Pull |
Chartway FCU | Soft Pull |
Charles Schwab | Soft Pull |
Chase | Soft Pull |
Christian Community Credit Union | Mixed |
CIBC Bank | Soft Pull |
Cincinnati Federal | Soft Pull |
Cinfed Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Citadel CU | Soft Pull |
CIT Bank | Soft Pull |
Citibank | Soft Pull |
Citizens Bank | Mixed |
Clearview Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Clinton Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
CME Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Columbia Bank | Soft Pull |
Columbia Credit Union | Mixed |
Comerica Bank | Soft Pull |
Commerce Bank | Soft Pull |
Communication Federal Credit Union | Mixed |
CommunityAmerica Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Community Financial Services Bank | Soft Pull |
Community First Credit Union | Soft Pull |
ConnexUs Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Consumers Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Consolidated Community Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Cornerstone Bank | Mixed |
Cornerstone Financial Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Country Bank for Savings | Soft Pull |
Crane Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Credit Union of Denver | Hard Pull |
Credit Union of Texas | Hard Pull |
Credit Union One | Soft Pull |
Customers Bank | Soft Pull |
DCU (Digital Federal Credit Union) | Hard Pull |
Dearborn Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Dedham Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Delta Community Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Denizen | Soft Pull |
Denmark State Bank | Hard Pull |
Destinations Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Dime Savings Bank | Hard Pull |
Discover Bank | Soft Pull |
Dollar Bank | Soft Pull |
Dubuque Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
East Boston Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Eastern Bank | Soft Pull |
Easthampton Bank | Soft Pull |
Eastman Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Elements Financial | Soft Pull |
Elevations CU | Soft Pull |
ESL Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Evansville Teachers FCU | Soft Pull |
FCB South County Bank | Soft Pull |
FedFinancial Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Fidelity Bank | Soft Pull |
Fifth Third Bank | Soft Pull |
First Advantage Bank | Hard Pull |
FirstBank | Soft Pull |
First Bank And Trust | Soft Pull |
First Bank Financial Centre | Soft Pull |
First Bank Virginia | Soft Pull |
First Bank Missouri | Soft Pull |
First Citizens Bank | Hard Pull |
First Community Bank | Soft Pull |
First Federal Bank | Soft Pull |
First Financial Credit Union | Hard Pull |
First Internet Bank | Soft Pull |
First Mark Credit Union | Hard Pull |
First Merit Bank | Soft Pull |
First Merchants Bank | Soft Pull |
First Midwest Bank | Soft Pull |
First National Bank | Soft Pull |
First National Bank Utah | Soft Pull |
First Niagara Bank | Soft Pull |
First Tech Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
First Tennessee Bank | Soft Pull |
First Trade Union Bank | Soft Pull |
First United Bank | Soft Pull |
Five Star Bank | Soft Pull |
Flagstar Bank | Soft Pull |
Florida Community Bank | Soft Pull |
Flushing Bank | Soft Pull |
Forcht Bank | Soft Pull |
Frost Bank | Soft Pull |
F&M Bank | Soft Pull |
Focus Bank | Soft Pull |
Fulton Bank | Soft Pull |
GTE Financial | Hard Pull |
Great Lakes Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Great Southern Bank | Soft Pull |
Greater Nevada CU | Soft Pull |
Green House by Wells Fargo | Soft Pull |
Hancock Whitney Bank | Soft Pull |
HarborOne Bank | Soft Pull |
Heritage Credit Union | Soft Pull |
HeritageWest Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Hiway Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
HomeStreet Bank | Soft Pull |
HomeTrust Bank | Soft Pull |
Honor Credit Union | Hard Pull |
HSBC Checking | Soft Pull |
Huntington Bank | Soft Pull |
IBERIABANK | Soft Pull |
IBM Southeast FECU | Hard Pull |
ICBC USA | Soft Pull |
Ideal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Illinois Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
Incredible Bank | Soft Pull |
Insight Prepaid & Savings | Soft Pull |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (USA) | Soft Pull |
Integrity Bank | Soft Pull |
Investors Bank | Soft Pull |
Iowa State Bank | Hard Pull |
Johnson Bank | Soft Pull |
Justice Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
JSC Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
KeyBank | Soft Pull |
Kinecta Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Lake Michigan Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Landmark Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Lake Shore Savings | Soft Pull |
Level One Bank | Soft Pull |
Legacy Texas | Soft Pull |
LGE Community Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Liberty Bank for Savings | Soft Pull |
Liberty Bank | Soft Pull |
Logix Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Los Angeles FCU | Hard Pull |
Lyons National Bank | Soft Pull |
Macatawa Bank | Soft Pull |
Main Street Bank | Soft Pull |
Mainstreet Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Mango Money | Soft Pull |
Marquette Bank | Mixed |
MB Financial Bank | Soft Pull |
McGraw Hill FCU | Soft Pull |
Melrose Bank | Soft Pull |
MemoryBank | Soft Pull |
Midfirst Bank | Soft Pull |
Mission Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Middlesex Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
My Banking Direct | Soft Pull |
M&T Bank | Soft Pull |
Monroe Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
Montgomery County EFCU | Hard Pull |
Mountain America CU | Hard Pull |
MountainOne Bank | Soft Pull |
MUFG Union Bank | Mixed |
MVB Bank | Soft Pull |
NASA Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
NA PA Credit Union | Soft Pull |
NBC Oklahoma | Soft Pull |
Nationwide Bank | Soft Pull |
Navy FCU | Hard Pull |
Neighborhood Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Nevada State Bank | Soft Pull |
Newtown Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
New Mexico Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
New York Community Bank | Soft Pull |
Northern Bank Direct | Soft Pull |
Northfield Bank | Hard Pull |
Northpointe Bank | Soft Pull |
North Shore Bank | Soft Pull |
Northwest Bank | Soft Pull |
Northwest Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Nutmeg Financial Credit Union | Hard Pull |
NuVision Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
NVE Bank | Soft Pull |
OceanFirst Bank | Soft Pull |
Old Missouri Bank | Soft Pull |
Old National Bank | Soft Pull |
Old Second Bank | Soft Pull |
OneAZ Credit Union | Soft Pull |
OneWest Bank | Soft Pull |
Option 1 CU | Hard Pull |
Orange County CU | Soft Pull |
Orlando FCU | Soft Pull |
OUR Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Parkside Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Patelco | Soft Pull |
PeoplesBank | Soft Pull |
People's United Bank | Soft Pull |
Pinnacle Bank | Soft Pull |
PNC Bank | Soft Pull |
Popular Community Bank | Soft Pull |
Power Financial Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Preferred Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Premier America Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Premier Members Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Provident Bank | Soft Pull |
Provident Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Public Service Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Radius Bank | Soft Pull |
Regions Bank | Soft Pull |
Reliant Community Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Republic Bank | Hard Pull |
Ridgewood Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Rivermark Community Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Royal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Salal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Salem Five Bank | Hard Pull |
Sallie Mae | Soft Pull |
San Mateo Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Sandy Spring Bank | Soft Pull |
Santander Bank | Soft Pull |
Savings Bank of Danbury | Soft Pull |
Seacoast Bank | Soft Pull |
Selco Community CU | Hard Pull |
Signature Bank of Georgia | Soft Pull |
Signature Federal Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Simple Bank | Soft Pull |
Solvay Bank | Soft Pull |
Sound Credit Union | Soft Pull |
South State Bank | Soft Pull |
Spire Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Security Service FCU | Soft Pull |
S&T Bank | Soft Pull |
Stanford FCU | Soft Pull |
Star One CU | Soft Pull |
State Bank of India | Soft Pull |
State Employees Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Sterling National Bank | Soft Pull |
Stoneham Bank | Soft Pull |
Suffolk FCU | Hard Pull |
Sun East FCU | Soft Pull |
SunTrust Bank | Soft Pull |
Synovus Bank | Soft Pull |
Talmer Bank and Trust | Soft Pull |
TCF Bank | Soft Pull |
TD Bank | Soft Pull |
Technology Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Telhio Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Texas Dow Employees CU | Hard Pull |
TIAA Direct | Soft Pull |
Tobyhanna Federal Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Truity Credit Union | Hard Pull |
TruMark FCU | Hard Pull |
Trustco Bank | Soft Pull |
TruStone Financial | Hard Pull |
TruWest Credit Union | Hard Pull |
UFB Direct | Soft Pull |
Univest Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
Unify Financial Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Union Bank | Soft Pull |
Union Community Bank | Soft Pull |
Union Plus | Soft Pull |
Unitus Community Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Unity Bank | Soft Pull |
USAlliance Financial | Soft Pull |
U.S Bank | Soft Pull |
Valley Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
VantageWest Credit Union | Soft Pull |
Valley National Bank | Soft Pull |
Vibrant Credit Union | Hard Pull |
Washington Savings Bank | Soft Pull |
Webster Bank | Soft Pull |
Wells Fargo | Soft Pull |
WesBanco | Soft Pull |
Westfield Bank | Soft Pull |
Wisconsin Bank & Trust | Soft Pull |
Xenith Bank | Soft Pull |
Rivermark Credit Union, Advantis Credit Union, and Columbia Credit Union all told me they don’t do hard pulls for deposit accounts anymore.
Rivermark Community Credit Union no longer does a hard pull to open a deposit account.
ALWAYS ask credit unions if running a hard pull against new membership applications. More and more are doing this nastiness even though only a deposit relationship is sought. But there are still enough who do not.
CommunityWide FCU … HARD Pull via TransUnion
I learned of CWFCU via your website. Please add to your Hard/Soft list.
The above list is helpful. Calling the Bank of the West Toll Free Number, the Rep.,after asking a Supervisor, told me the report came in the name of Bank of the West. Basically a non answer.
(H.M.B., Please put the Comments before the Replies. Thank You!)
I have a credit freeze with all three reporting bureaus, does that mean soft pulls will occur but hard pulls prevented unless I unfreeze for each one?
UFB direct did same thing to me
greetings I want credit union information that to be a member and credit products just pull equifax?
confirmation from the representative for Fidelity Cash Management Account : If when you apply for the account and the website cannot automatically verify you, then what will happen is that a soft check will done in the overnight business cycle with Equifax. The check won’t be looking for credit rating it will be looking for things like name and address information to verify.
That was extremely rude and condescending. Internet searches pull up all kinds of answers for questions from all sorts of sources as you should know.
When i was with Pen air credit union, they did a hard pull on my account every 2 wks. Because of some kind of insurance company kept sending through I owed them 25.00 for insurance through a company that wasn’t pen air but had same name, they were ask to put a stop on, the insurance considering I never applied for insurance. They kept letting that company over draft my account I was hard pulled 4 times, then shut my account went to navy federal where I should’ve been all alone. I love you guys.
USC Credit Union – hard pull, Experian
Thanks for sharing this information.
What is the rationale for a a hard – or even soft – credit inquiry when someone applies for a certificate of deposit? After all, a CD is, in effect, a loan to, not from the institution. It’s the customer who should be concerned about the creditworthiness of the institution. One bank empoyee thought it had to do with paving the way for offering car or home loans to the customer in future, but that makes little sense, as the customer needs to go through a new, complete hard pull when the time comes to borrow.
Hi George,
You can find our list at the following URL:
Hope this helps!
I want to open a softpull/Equifax account which I can get immediate online access and also which I can use credit card to fund initial deposit.
Can someone give me a shortlist of such banks
Ill really appreciate
Woodforest bank does hard inquiries on a simple checking account, watch out they will I’ll repeat is without your knowledge or permission, hard to get removed
Neighbors Federal Credit Union
Hard pull on Equifax without informing me. Not cool.
Bank 5 Connect does a soft pull not a hard pull when opening an account.
I just opened a checking and savings account with Space Coast Credit Union which is headquartered in Melbourne, Florida. They did a hard pull on my experian credit report prior to approval. I had no idea a bank could arbitrarily do a hard pull on a major credit reporting bureau when I was not asking to open any credit-related product. I was very irritated.
Try to open a business checking account @ BOFA and got a hard pull and F**ked up is they did not approve it.
I want to open a series LLC checking account to accept money.
How on earth does someone who’s never heard of freezing credit reports end up on a site like this at all? Lol, wow. If that was actually a genuine question, read
BB&T does a hard pull on Equifax only for opening a checking account back in March 2017. I’m looking at my credit report and its right there. They guaranteed me it was only a soft, well they lied. On all three of my credit reports that is the only pull. It would be nice if they were honest about their policy.
Thanks for the datapoint Jeff & we have updated our list.
I recently applied online to join Lake Michigan Credit Union and for their credit card. For me, they did a hard pull on Experian, not TransUnion.
Pentagon Federal Credit Union, Hard Pull on Equifax
Hi, I just got email confirmation from Popular Direct Bank of NO PULL. I’m surprised i’m the first to report
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting the Popular Direct Team at Banco Popular North America.
We do not perform a credit pull while opening Popular Direct accounts.
Should you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact us via email or call us at 1-800-274-5696, where Customer Service Representatives are available 24/7 to assist you.
Customer Care Center
Live Oak Bank and Synchrony do a soft pull. I opened both of these savings accounts in minutes.
Redneck Bank and Ally and Goldman Sachs do a HARD pull to open savings accounts. All 3 of these denied me because I have frozen my credit reports with all 3 agencies. I did this years ago and do not feel like spending money to unlock my credit just for a stupid savings account, especially when I can get great rates from banks that will approve me in minutes with a soft pull. Banks that insist on a hard pull are losing out on potential customers and their deposits.
I Joined Northern Skies Federal Credit Union 01/2018.
There was no credit report pulled. I applied online, but you do have to go to a branch to open and fund the account. They only have 2 branches, and you have to pick the branch that you want to complete the application at.
Hi Chad,
Thanks for the datapoint, it has been added to our list.
I haven’t opened an account with Incredible Bank, but I did email customer service and received a response that they do a soft credit pull. BTW they’re offering a 1.55% interest rate with a minimum balance of $25,000.
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for your valid information. I really appreciate your effort to help us.
LGE Credit Union- hard pull in 2016 when I opened my account with them.
Truity Credit Union – Hard Pull Transunion in Texas
Hi Mike, currently we don’t have the credit inquiry info on Goldman Sachs, thus it’s not on the list. If you have any info whether it’s hard pull or soft pull, let us know and we’ll update our list. Thanks!
Goldman Sachs online banking is not on this list???
Just tried to open a CD with Inova Federal Credit Union. Online application was already very comprehensive, so I was surprised when they informed me that the next step in the application was to do a HARD credit pull on both applicants. When I questioned the necessity of this, I was told it was just their policy. Looking at the list, it looks like more credit unions than banks have this policy.
hi anthony. i really appreciate all the info your site provides. can you please check out Pure Point savings account? they are offering 1.25% APY (min balance $10k, otherwise 0.25% APY). no fees, etc. sounds almost too good to be true. can you do a review? thank you!
If I open and close 6 to 7 checking and savings accounts per year all with a softpull(chexsystems), are there any issues? I maintain a sheet that has the requirements and I close the account in good notes with neither negative balance nor something against the policy.
Just wondering has anyone experienced a state wherein a person cannot open any bank checking account in future because of this?
Suncoast Credit Union – Soft Chexsystems
Charles Schwab Bank – Hard Pull + Chexsystems
SunTrust Florida – Chexsystems
PenFed Credit Union did a hard pull for a savings account. Grrr!
Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union (RFBCU) did a hard pull when I opened a savings account.
BB&T does a Hard inquiry without telling you, even if you don’t elect overdraft protection or order checks. They are just another bunch of organized criminals trying to steal from citizens.
Reliant credit Union will to a pull on your Credit report if you want to open a checking without telling you. You find out after the fact. This is the credit union that all Walmarts used. BEWARE!!! I am really angry that they told me AFTER the fact
Beware Ally Bank does hard credit inquiry but does not disclose they do so. They will reject you if your credit score is not good. Also if you have a bankruptcy no matter your score they will reject you.
The Citi Bank 50,000-point promotion is a credit card promotion, and all banks will do a hard pull for your credit history before approving you for a credit card.
Thanks JT!
Great Lakes Credit Union – hard pull for CD
Many people have reported that Citi only do soft pull. Up to you if you want to open a Citibank checking promotion. It’s a big time bonus with the CC funding even if it’s a hard pull.
Hello. I went online to apply for the Citi Bank (50,000 point) promotion. It required my social security number along with income information, how much I plan to have in my account, etc. Wouldn’t leaving my social on the form trigger a hard pull?
Thanks CJH. It has been updated.
I got an alert from Credit Karma there was a hard inquiry from Trans Union. A hard pull didn’t appear under Equifax on Credit Karma and Experian is not listed on Credit Karma.
CJH, do you which agency pull your credit? Experian, TransUnion, or Equifax?
Republic Bank is a hard pull/inquiry on your credit report.
You have to leave it open for 6 months else they will charge you $25.
Under ‘Miscellaneous fees’
Bank of Internet USA: soft pull through ChexSystems, Trans Union and Experian
Be aware that there is another database being use by 75 percent of the banks and it stays for 7 years. Early warning system. Example, i had an account closed by Bank of America for an overdraft that i didn’t pay on time. After 5 years it dropped off chexsystem i go all excited to open an account and i get declined. I told the banker i have nothing on chexsystem he said you are correct but you are on the early warning system. I called them and they have me for the same issue of banks of america but for 7 years. So i have to wait 2 more years. I try two other banks. Same deal.
Great page, thanks for sharing it with us. I just did the Nationwide deal where you open a checking account with direct deposit and get $200 after leaving it open for three months. Seems pretty cool but I’m wondering if there is an account closing fee after the three months if I don’t want to stay with them; this might be some useful information you can track for people looking to open accounts, get the bonus, and leave. I enjoy trying new banks though so if I like it I may stay with them.
Chexsystems consumer reports can become a serious burden to families and individuals looking to open up a new checking account. Any negative mark, whether minor a major, can prevent a consumer from having a checking or savings account.
Luckily today, there are many credit unions and banks that are either local or have branches nationwide that are willing to overlook a person’s Chexsystems report.
Click on the “Review” to see the geographic restrictions.
what about geographic restrictions? ..kind of important